Friday, July 6, 2007

Day 11

Weight- 278lbs

Things are going good just not fast enough for my liking! lol I went to the chiropractor this morning, turns out my neck is straight. Which I assumed was a good thing apparently your neck should have a curve in it. I don't know if I am going to continue to see this doctor at least on a regular basis. He said once my neck was better then we could talk about wellness care. You just pay $100 per month and we see you for adjustments every week. Really? sounds great I get to pay you $100 per month so you can adjust my spine that is in good shape. Wow where do I sign up???? I think the next time I go to the doctor with flu symptoms I will ask him if he wouldn't mind if I came back every week after I was better.
After I got out of the money grabber I mean chiropractors office I went to the gym and did my leg workout. This was the first time I really broke into a good sweat at the new gym, finished off the workout shooting some free throws. (Man my shot is terrible) Work was frustrating tons of calls not a lot of sales. I really dislike Thursday's because its the day before my weekend and my late shift just makes the day drag even more. Came home watched some TV and went to bed that is why I am writing my journal entry this morning.

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