Saturday, April 21, 2007

Day 69


Today went well I had a reall good run at the gym I found a really good pace my goal was to get to 2 miles again today but find a pace that I could run with out having to drop down the speed so most of the way 15 mins or so I ran at about 5.5 mph and the last 5 minutes I kept kicking it up finally sprinting the last 30 seconds at about 8.5 mph or so. I accomplished my goal of the 2 miles and not having to drop down in speed. Its nice to get a pace and get in a rythm I have never really liked running but I think I am starting to like it. Later this evening I went to my buddies "house warming party" Basically an excuse to throw a party and grill out. I brought some turkey burgers for my last two meals. The only negative to doing the whole BFL thing is hanging out with my friends. For the first few hours everything is cool, but then everyone gets to a point where they are too buzzed for me to relate. That is the only part of not drinking I miss which I guess is a big part. They all know what I am doing so they are supportive about it. I guess I just need to learn to have a good time w/o drinking... Lots of compliments tonight everyone was impressed with how much weight I have lost. That is always nice. Onward to free day...

Day 68

Weight- 297

I woke up today around 8am and headed to the gym to do my final lifting workout for the week, legs. The workout went really well especially my one legged squats. After my workout I came home and made some EFL Golden pancakes which are pretty good they kind of remind me of a whole wheat waffle or something. While watching 24 (I'm addicted) I got a call from one of my buddies who wanted to go golfing around 2 so I packed two lunches and got my clubs together then headed to the course. It wasn't too bad for my first time out in fact I think I had low score on the back 9, now the front 9 was a different story. I came home did some dishes watched a movie and went to bed.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Day 67


Ok I am tired so this will be short and sweet. Eating was great today, I was close to my two mile goal today made it to 1.7miles but still happy it was a good workout. The End

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Day 66


Work was slow today sometimes I wonder why I even show up, when its good when its not its not. When I came home I ate a meal and headed to the gym. I had a really good workout wasn't as fast paced as I would have liked but it was still a good workout none the less. I came home and ate my last meal while I watched the first episode of season 2 of 24. This is by far the best TV series I have ever seen, better than Sopranos in my opinion. Tomorrow morning I am going to go for 2 miles again, I can't wait till it's no problem for me to keep the pace that pace all the way through my workout. Funny thing is once that happens it will be time to kick it up a notch again! It's never ending...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Day 65

Weight- 301lbs

Today started out like normal, went to work had a good day eating. After work I went to mail out a Drill that I sold on Ebay for my Dad. Wow, did I pick the wrong day to go to the post office, last day to mail in taxes. The line was out the front door. Luckily they had 5 people working the counter so it went pretty quick. I came home ate a meal and watched some TV then went to the gym. I was filling up my water bottle and thinking to myself, what week of the challenge am I in? It took some back tracking to remember this was the 10th week. At first I thought am I loosing focus? I headed to the treadmill ready to conquer a mini goal 2 miles in 20 minutes. I knew I had to average about 6mph to hit my goal so I started out right at 6mph. I made it 10 mins before it started to get tough so when I was about ready to slow down I decided to turn it up a little and went up to 6.3mph. As I went along I had to slow down for a little bit and dropped it down to 4.5mph. The last three minutes were complete torture. to make it I had to kick it up to 7.0mph I hit 2 miles with about 30 seconds to go and dropped it down to next to nothing and walked the rest of the way. As happy as I was it took a little while to recover but once I did I felt really good. I came home made a BFL pizza while I was eating it I thought to myself, how great is this I am eating a pizza and loosing weight. I looked back at the thought I had about loosing focus and realized I am not loosing focus, this is starting to become a lifestyle. It isn't about only having 2 1/2 weeks to go anymore. I have integrated my eating habits and exercising and it is now a part of me. I have a long way to go of course, but I can't believe how far I have come. I know that my pictures after 12 weeks won't be "champion" quality but the journey that has bought me to this point will be.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Day 64

Weight 304lbs

Today went really well this morning was the first morning I felt really rested when I woke up this morning. That is one of my goals that I have failed at getting more rest. That is something I look forward to changing as my challenge continues and as this lifestyle continues. I ate well today for my last meal I integrated a new EFL recipe that is really good. The "Great Chicken Pita" Chicken, Miracle Whip Lite, Celery, Grapes, Shaved Almonds, Tomato's, and a Whole Wheat Pita. VERY GOOD! My workout went well today I really wanted to quit during the last couple reps of 1 legged squats. The bad thing is I have to fight off the quiting mindset twice in a row. I get to about 9 on my left leg and try to convince myself to quit then I get only about 6 out on my right leg and want to collapse. The funny thing is I rationalize it, I just did 12 with my left I don't want to under work my right and not be symmetrical. (ha ha) Between that and all the lunges I am doing I really worked up a sweat today! Mini Goal for tomorrow, 2 miles on the treadmill. That might be pushing it a little, but its time to see what I am made of!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Day 63 (free day)

Weight- unknown
Free day was good today I ate 4 good meals and one really bad meal. After work we had our day of celebration which is NFM's year end party. Games, prizes, awards and such. I was nominated for a President award this year, which is NFM's highest honor however, I was not chosen. Oh, well maybe next year... After the party I dropped by Jon's to have him take pictures for me. I would say the biggest changes are in my chest, but there are also significant changes in my waist and back. Slowly but surely I am transforming!