Weight- 263lbs
I woke up this morning and went to the doctor to see about a problem I have been having for quite awhile now and have just been living with it because it didn't bother me that much. My throat pops in and out of place occasionally. It is kind of an off and on problem that has been more on then off lately. The doctor really had never seen this before so he referred me to a ENT specialist. So I will go to that appointment tomorrow hopefully he will know what is going on. They took my blood pressure (which was a little high the last time I took it when I finished my last challenge) I was at 141/86 I think which she said was pretty good. She also took my pulse and said I had a slow heart beat which I took as a good thing.
After my doctors appointment I went to the gym and spent 20 minutes on the stair mill had a really good workout. It was the type of cardio workout where you want to quit after 5 minutes and just push through it. After the gym I went to Sam's to stock up on some food, then back home to get ready for work.
Work went by pretty quick which was nice. I got in my car after work and noticed that a couple of CD cases sitting on my passenger seat (not where I left them.) I thought it was kind of odd but just thought my room mate who also works at the Mart must have been looking for something of his he left in my car. So I gave him a call he said he wasn't in my car I immediately looked down and noticed my CD players face plate was missing. The last week or so I hadn't been locking my car because it the door locks got stuck again. Tuesday I picked up new locks that I was going to change out tomorrow. One day too late, oh well. I was really mad driving home with no music just made it worse. I wished I had gone out to my car for lunch and caught the person who did it. Thinking about it just made me angrier. So I decided to say a couple of prayers for the person, because he obviously is troubled and doesn't have a very good life. Whether the prayers help him or not they helped me cool down. The funny thing is I had my locks sitting on the passenger seat if he would have stolen those he could have gotten $40 bucks or so from them on Ebay.
Long day tomorrow so I better hit the hay!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Day 66
Today went well at work sales have been pretty good the end of this month. After work we went to Rugby it started raining and there was some lightning so we headed for shelter and waited till it passed. After it passed we went back to rucking drills. Dave and I went against each other and I squared up and lowered my shoulder as he made contact hit heads and I split my ear open. Really it was my fault more than his I just need to learn how to take a hit, it is different than football without helmets. So that was the end of practice for me. I went to the ER and had it glued up also got my tetanus shot updated. It wasn't bad just can't have any contact for a week which sucks. Now I am cooking for tomorrow and doing a little homework before bed.
Today went well at work sales have been pretty good the end of this month. After work we went to Rugby it started raining and there was some lightning so we headed for shelter and waited till it passed. After it passed we went back to rucking drills. Dave and I went against each other and I squared up and lowered my shoulder as he made contact hit heads and I split my ear open. Really it was my fault more than his I just need to learn how to take a hit, it is different than football without helmets. So that was the end of practice for me. I went to the ER and had it glued up also got my tetanus shot updated. It wasn't bad just can't have any contact for a week which sucks. Now I am cooking for tomorrow and doing a little homework before bed.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Day 61
This morning I went to the gym and do my LBW things got shifted around this week because yesterday I was just too tired to do my LBW. So tomorrow I will do my UBW and Saturday I will do Cardio. I am very excited to see my weight continue to drop. I can't wait to see what my BF % is at. I really hope by the end of this 12 weeks I am under 20% we will see. Work was work I just really have a tough time on Thursdays. I have a lot to do tomorrow cleaning bills errands etc. Tomorrow night we will go out for my sister-in-laws birthday so it will be good to see everyone.
This morning I went to the gym and do my LBW things got shifted around this week because yesterday I was just too tired to do my LBW. So tomorrow I will do my UBW and Saturday I will do Cardio. I am very excited to see my weight continue to drop. I can't wait to see what my BF % is at. I really hope by the end of this 12 weeks I am under 20% we will see. Work was work I just really have a tough time on Thursdays. I have a lot to do tomorrow cleaning bills errands etc. Tomorrow night we will go out for my sister-in-laws birthday so it will be good to see everyone.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Day 59
Weight- 264lbs
Had another pretty good day at work. After work Dave and I went to Rugby practice it went pretty well I am learning but still have alot to learn. I am going to go to a Rugby clinic with Dave here in Omaha there will be some great coaches so I should learn alot. There will be a guy there from the New Zeland All Blacks which is the equivalent of learning football from a former Green Bay Packer. Just got my grades back from my last class another A things are going well as I work toward that 4.0.
Had another pretty good day at work. After work Dave and I went to Rugby practice it went pretty well I am learning but still have alot to learn. I am going to go to a Rugby clinic with Dave here in Omaha there will be some great coaches so I should learn alot. There will be a guy there from the New Zeland All Blacks which is the equivalent of learning football from a former Green Bay Packer. Just got my grades back from my last class another A things are going well as I work toward that 4.0.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Day 58
Weight 267lbs
This morning I went to work which went pretty well, I had a good day sales wise. After work I stopped by complete nutrition and got another case of Myoplex turns out they sell it a little cheaper than DPS nutrition online, got it for $70 instead of $73 and shipping. After that I went to the gym and did my cardio then got stuck in the locker room for awhile because of Tornado warning. After that I went to Sam's and picked up some chicken and salmon. Overall an uneventful day, but fairly productive.
This morning I went to work which went pretty well, I had a good day sales wise. After work I stopped by complete nutrition and got another case of Myoplex turns out they sell it a little cheaper than DPS nutrition online, got it for $70 instead of $73 and shipping. After that I went to the gym and did my cardio then got stuck in the locker room for awhile because of Tornado warning. After that I went to Sam's and picked up some chicken and salmon. Overall an uneventful day, but fairly productive.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Day 56
Weight- 262lbs
This morning I woke up early to go do a stadium workout w/ Jon unfortunately the UNO's football team was using the field so we decided to go after climbing. I had a tough time on the climbing wall today I was trying a one of the harder routes that I tried last week and didn't make it too far. Jon was right I really focus to much on my hands and not enough on my feet, it is a learn process I suppose. after the "real" climbing Jon and I tried to jump up and grab on to the "Dynamo" Basically it is a hold near the floor that you try to jump off of and reach a hold that is about 10 feet up the wall. I couldn't do it on the run but was able to do it by standing at the bottom of the wall and jumping up off the hold. Then we had a little chin up contest off of the hold. First I did 3 then Jon did 13 (show off). One of the girls that worked there was taunting me to do 5 so I tried again and was able to squeeze out 5. I honestly didn't know if I could do one unassisted chin up let alone 5 so that was a pretty nice surprise.
After the climbing we headed to the stadium and did our workout it was pretty intense my legs were killing after my LBW yesterday. This is what it consisted of.
25x push ups
2x High steps up the stadium stairs
1x lunges 30yds
20x dips on a bleacher
30sec front planks
5x tire flips
3x 30yard side shuffle
30yrds reverse lunges
2x sprint stadium stairs
1x 100 yard sprint
then we did it again.
I was dead but felt so good after a shower. After my shower and a quick Myoplex my roommate and I went around looking for a sponsor for our Rugby team. Sounds like the Marleybone is interested so that is great news with our season starting in 3 weeks.
This morning I woke up early to go do a stadium workout w/ Jon unfortunately the UNO's football team was using the field so we decided to go after climbing. I had a tough time on the climbing wall today I was trying a one of the harder routes that I tried last week and didn't make it too far. Jon was right I really focus to much on my hands and not enough on my feet, it is a learn process I suppose. after the "real" climbing Jon and I tried to jump up and grab on to the "Dynamo" Basically it is a hold near the floor that you try to jump off of and reach a hold that is about 10 feet up the wall. I couldn't do it on the run but was able to do it by standing at the bottom of the wall and jumping up off the hold. Then we had a little chin up contest off of the hold. First I did 3 then Jon did 13 (show off). One of the girls that worked there was taunting me to do 5 so I tried again and was able to squeeze out 5. I honestly didn't know if I could do one unassisted chin up let alone 5 so that was a pretty nice surprise.
After the climbing we headed to the stadium and did our workout it was pretty intense my legs were killing after my LBW yesterday. This is what it consisted of.
25x push ups
2x High steps up the stadium stairs
1x lunges 30yds
20x dips on a bleacher
30sec front planks
5x tire flips
3x 30yard side shuffle
30yrds reverse lunges
2x sprint stadium stairs
1x 100 yard sprint
then we did it again.
I was dead but felt so good after a shower. After my shower and a quick Myoplex my roommate and I went around looking for a sponsor for our Rugby team. Sounds like the Marleybone is interested so that is great news with our season starting in 3 weeks.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Day 55
Weight- 263lbs
Today was kind of a lazy day for me. I went to the gym and had a great LBW I almost got to the point of failure on the hip sled. I think it is a mental block for me. I know I can get to that point but I don't want to land on my butt on the squat rack. After that I shot some hoops and went to the pool for awhile. Tomorrow is my free day but I plan on doing a stadium workout and climbing. I am also going to eat a little cleaner on my free days as well.
Today was kind of a lazy day for me. I went to the gym and had a great LBW I almost got to the point of failure on the hip sled. I think it is a mental block for me. I know I can get to that point but I don't want to land on my butt on the squat rack. After that I shot some hoops and went to the pool for awhile. Tomorrow is my free day but I plan on doing a stadium workout and climbing. I am also going to eat a little cleaner on my free days as well.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Day 54
Finally the weight is dropping this week! I hit one more milestone 265lbs was the lowest weight I was as a senior in high school. However judging from my gut I had more muscle mass in high school than I do now. I didn't have a six pack but if I remember right (it has been that long) I at least could see the vague outline of one. So I guess I keep pressing on.
BFL is getting to be kind of like golf for me lately. At times the weight loss is just non-existent, but then I have a week where I loose 3-4lbs and it energizes me to keep going. In golf most of my the time I slice the ball, but every once in awhile I will step up to the tee and hit a 300 yard drive straight as an arrow and it keeps me coming back.
Tomorrow I am going to do my LBW and swim a little possibly climb if the wall is open. Saturday is my free day but I am going to do a stadium work out at UNO with Jon The football team has a bunch of tires down there so I have a feeling we will run some stairs run around the track and flip some tires, should be "fun."
Finally the weight is dropping this week! I hit one more milestone 265lbs was the lowest weight I was as a senior in high school. However judging from my gut I had more muscle mass in high school than I do now. I didn't have a six pack but if I remember right (it has been that long) I at least could see the vague outline of one. So I guess I keep pressing on.
BFL is getting to be kind of like golf for me lately. At times the weight loss is just non-existent, but then I have a week where I loose 3-4lbs and it energizes me to keep going. In golf most of my the time I slice the ball, but every once in awhile I will step up to the tee and hit a 300 yard drive straight as an arrow and it keeps me coming back.
Tomorrow I am going to do my LBW and swim a little possibly climb if the wall is open. Saturday is my free day but I am going to do a stadium work out at UNO with Jon The football team has a bunch of tires down there so I have a feeling we will run some stairs run around the track and flip some tires, should be "fun."
Monday, August 13, 2007
Day 51
Weight- 267lbs
I finally am getting back into my schedule. I got to the gym this morning around six and hit the stair mill hard. After that I went and shot some hoops for a little bit but was too tired to make anything so I got frustrated and headed to the steam room for a while. Work was ok I am starting to get bored with my job to be I think, either that or I was just in a crabby mood. I came home got some homework done and am cooking for tomorrow.
Tomorrow will be my first official rugby practice so we will seehow that goes. The sport is similar to football but then again nothing at all like it. I have a lot to learn! Better get some rest.
I finally am getting back into my schedule. I got to the gym this morning around six and hit the stair mill hard. After that I went and shot some hoops for a little bit but was too tired to make anything so I got frustrated and headed to the steam room for a while. Work was ok I am starting to get bored with my job to be I think, either that or I was just in a crabby mood. I came home got some homework done and am cooking for tomorrow.
Tomorrow will be my first official rugby practice so we will seehow that goes. The sport is similar to football but then again nothing at all like it. I have a lot to learn! Better get some rest.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Day 50

Weight 267lbs
Today went pretty well I had a great leg work out tonight. After I did legs I shot some hoops for about an hour worked up a pretty good sweat. The clock is winding down on my second challenge I am proud of my progress but not happy with it if that makes sense. My first challenge really spoiled me. I am working harder with less results. The good thing is that there are results. That is all that matters this isn't a sprint its a marathon.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Day 48
Weight 268lbs
Today was my free day, but with my competition over half way over I have decided to make my free days a little more clean. Not only do I plan to eat a little cleaner but I plan to go to the gym and do something a little more fun then the stair mill.
Today I went to the gym with Jon and got a lesson in climbing. It wasn't pretty but it was fun. First he belayed me on a pretty easy wall. I went up the wall pretty fast, at least I thought it was fast. Once I got to the top I was a little nervous about leaning back and repelling down. It wasn't that I didn't trust Jon its just that Jon weighs about 180lbs and I weight 268. Once I leaned back it was no problem hopping down. Next he wanted to show me the auto belayers which are hydraulic lines that can allow climbers from 100lbs to 350lbs to climb with out a spotter. The first one I went up was pretty tough I made it up about 1/4 of the way relaying on my upper body way too much. I tried to make jump to reach a hold and couldn't hold on and dropped back down to the floor. It is was a pretty weird feeling. I tried another wall that was a little bit easier this time I made it up a little over half way with the same result but I can tell that this will type of workout will definitely help me. I was going to go up again and got in line for a different route on an auto belayer there was one kid on the wall and 3 in line in front of me. The kid on the wall made it to the top and came down i looked the other way for one second and another kid jumped in front of me in line. I wasn't going to say anything because its not the kids fault, his parent should have told him to get in the back of the line. I turned around again for a second and there was another kid in front of me so I just gave up.
So Jon and I decided to swim a couple of laps. We raced a 4 times Jon beat me once. It's good to know that I am faster then him at something.
After we went to whole foods to find a grain that is similar to rice. The cool thing about this grain is that is supposedly better for you then brown rice, apparently vegetarians eat alot of it because it is high in protein 24gm per cup. I also picked up a vegetarian chili mix they sold in bulk that had about 32gm of protein per cup about 400 calories. I had the chili for dinner tonight. It was pretty good I could taste vegetables in it, but there was also something in it that tasted like chicken. I don't know if it was chopped up beans or what.
Today was my free day, but with my competition over half way over I have decided to make my free days a little more clean. Not only do I plan to eat a little cleaner but I plan to go to the gym and do something a little more fun then the stair mill.
Today I went to the gym with Jon and got a lesson in climbing. It wasn't pretty but it was fun. First he belayed me on a pretty easy wall. I went up the wall pretty fast, at least I thought it was fast. Once I got to the top I was a little nervous about leaning back and repelling down. It wasn't that I didn't trust Jon its just that Jon weighs about 180lbs and I weight 268. Once I leaned back it was no problem hopping down. Next he wanted to show me the auto belayers which are hydraulic lines that can allow climbers from 100lbs to 350lbs to climb with out a spotter. The first one I went up was pretty tough I made it up about 1/4 of the way relaying on my upper body way too much. I tried to make jump to reach a hold and couldn't hold on and dropped back down to the floor. It is was a pretty weird feeling. I tried another wall that was a little bit easier this time I made it up a little over half way with the same result but I can tell that this will type of workout will definitely help me. I was going to go up again and got in line for a different route on an auto belayer there was one kid on the wall and 3 in line in front of me. The kid on the wall made it to the top and came down i looked the other way for one second and another kid jumped in front of me in line. I wasn't going to say anything because its not the kids fault, his parent should have told him to get in the back of the line. I turned around again for a second and there was another kid in front of me so I just gave up.
So Jon and I decided to swim a couple of laps. We raced a 4 times Jon beat me once. It's good to know that I am faster then him at something.
After we went to whole foods to find a grain that is similar to rice. The cool thing about this grain is that is supposedly better for you then brown rice, apparently vegetarians eat alot of it because it is high in protein 24gm per cup. I also picked up a vegetarian chili mix they sold in bulk that had about 32gm of protein per cup about 400 calories. I had the chili for dinner tonight. It was pretty good I could taste vegetables in it, but there was also something in it that tasted like chicken. I don't know if it was chopped up beans or what.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Day 46
Weight 268lbs
Today was interesting to say the least. I was running behind for work today so this is what my meals consisted of Myoplex, Myoplex, Myoplex, Salmon brown rice green beans, Myoplex, EFL BBQ chicken Pizza. It might get a little expensive if I continue to eat that way. My workout went really well today I am focusing on making the most out every workout. I can see a difference in my body (no abs yet) Time to take photos it has been awhile so I will try to post those on Saturday.
Today was interesting to say the least. I was running behind for work today so this is what my meals consisted of Myoplex, Myoplex, Myoplex, Salmon brown rice green beans, Myoplex, EFL BBQ chicken Pizza. It might get a little expensive if I continue to eat that way. My workout went really well today I am focusing on making the most out every workout. I can see a difference in my body (no abs yet) Time to take photos it has been awhile so I will try to post those on Saturday.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Day 44
I am struggling to get back into my normal routine after vacation. I stayed up to late last night working on homework to get up at 5:30 this morning to workout so I went after work. I had a great LBW, I always know I am doing a good job if I can work up a sweat during the middle of my first exercise. After my LBW I jumped on the Stair mill for about 10 minutes, then shot some hoops. What shot I had in the past seems to be slowly coming back.
After I got back from the gym I hit the books and finished up my homework for this week. Eating is going well and I need to turn it up a notch to finish my last 6 weeks strong.
I am struggling to get back into my normal routine after vacation. I stayed up to late last night working on homework to get up at 5:30 this morning to workout so I went after work. I had a great LBW, I always know I am doing a good job if I can work up a sweat during the middle of my first exercise. After my LBW I jumped on the Stair mill for about 10 minutes, then shot some hoops. What shot I had in the past seems to be slowly coming back.
After I got back from the gym I hit the books and finished up my homework for this week. Eating is going well and I need to turn it up a notch to finish my last 6 weeks strong.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Day 43
Weight- 272lbs
I woke up this morning with my ankle swollen from rolling last night playing basketball. Walking wasn't going so well so I decided to go back to bed and do my cardio tonight. Over the day the swelling started to go down and and it started to feel a little less stiff. So tonight I went to the gym and worked out on this weird elliptical machine. It was a good decision because there wasn't much pressure so it felt all right. Boy is my upper body sore from yesterday's workout. I went to the gym with my room mate who by the way has dropped from 254lbs to 232lbs since starting BFL. Our workout was so intense it is always great to have a spotter, I can really push myself to the limit, and I am sore all over.
Vacation was great it was 7 days of relaxation. We went fishing and golfing and just hung out. My mom stuck on the diet with me and exercised every day I was really proud of how she is sticking with it. The roads are pretty flat around that area and on one of my cardio days ran a personal best 3 miles. That is the farthest I have ever run in my entire life so that was a big accomplishment. My brother and sister in law came with Ace and he did really well. He only woke me up once the entire trip. All the kid does is sleep.
I woke up this morning with my ankle swollen from rolling last night playing basketball. Walking wasn't going so well so I decided to go back to bed and do my cardio tonight. Over the day the swelling started to go down and and it started to feel a little less stiff. So tonight I went to the gym and worked out on this weird elliptical machine. It was a good decision because there wasn't much pressure so it felt all right. Boy is my upper body sore from yesterday's workout. I went to the gym with my room mate who by the way has dropped from 254lbs to 232lbs since starting BFL. Our workout was so intense it is always great to have a spotter, I can really push myself to the limit, and I am sore all over.
Vacation was great it was 7 days of relaxation. We went fishing and golfing and just hung out. My mom stuck on the diet with me and exercised every day I was really proud of how she is sticking with it. The roads are pretty flat around that area and on one of my cardio days ran a personal best 3 miles. That is the farthest I have ever run in my entire life so that was a big accomplishment. My brother and sister in law came with Ace and he did really well. He only woke me up once the entire trip. All the kid does is sleep.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Day 31
Weight- 269
So today went really well I have decided to stop swimming for now and use the stair mill for cardio. The combination of 2o mins on the stair mill and a really intense LBW yesterday made me walk like I was 80 all day. My mind is on vacation right now even though I have a couple days before I leave for Minnesota. Speaking of which I need to do some packing tonight. So I can go back home after work tomorrow night. Eating has been great lately and my weight is finally taking a nose dive. This will probably be my last journal entry until Aug. 6th when I get back from the vacation. I am going to make sure to have a relaxing vacation while keeping up with my workouts and eating. I will loose weight while on vacation. It is going to be fun to get the whole fam on lifting and working out with me on vacation. Maybe we can do group workout sessions in front of the cabin. lol. OK I have a lot of work to do right now so I will talk to you all in a week or so!
So today went really well I have decided to stop swimming for now and use the stair mill for cardio. The combination of 2o mins on the stair mill and a really intense LBW yesterday made me walk like I was 80 all day. My mind is on vacation right now even though I have a couple days before I leave for Minnesota. Speaking of which I need to do some packing tonight. So I can go back home after work tomorrow night. Eating has been great lately and my weight is finally taking a nose dive. This will probably be my last journal entry until Aug. 6th when I get back from the vacation. I am going to make sure to have a relaxing vacation while keeping up with my workouts and eating. I will loose weight while on vacation. It is going to be fun to get the whole fam on lifting and working out with me on vacation. Maybe we can do group workout sessions in front of the cabin. lol. OK I have a lot of work to do right now so I will talk to you all in a week or so!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Day 30
Weight- 272lbs
After talking to Jon about my eating I have decided to change things up a bit on lifting days. I drank a Myoplex right when I woke up this morning (about a half hour before the gym). Then right after my workout which was pretty good, I drank a serving of whey protein and ate a banana. Work went well today a little slow but not too bad. After work I ran some errands and went home did some homework and watched some TV pretty much the usual. Time to go pack my lunch!
After talking to Jon about my eating I have decided to change things up a bit on lifting days. I drank a Myoplex right when I woke up this morning (about a half hour before the gym). Then right after my workout which was pretty good, I drank a serving of whey protein and ate a banana. Work went well today a little slow but not too bad. After work I ran some errands and went home did some homework and watched some TV pretty much the usual. Time to go pack my lunch!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Day 29
Weight- 274lbs
I woke up this morning and headed to Lifetime to do a little swimming cardio. I bought some ear plugs the other day because I kept getting water in my ears and people were wondering why I was leaning my head all day. It's funny I was thinking back to my days in 4-H washing my show pigs, they always taught us not to get water in their ears or they would lean their heads during the show.
I had a good work out in the pool but just couldn't go 20 minutes so I went outside and ran some sprints on the turf. There were a couple of guys walking around outside and I almost bit it slowing down one time. I wasn't wearing any shoes and the turf was a little damp, just about had my feet fly out from underneath me. Those guys would have had a pretty good laugh. After my workout I got ready and went to work.
Around 9am my personal line rang it was an odd area code I think 614 but I get calls from customers all over so I didn't think any thing of it. I answered "Phone Sales this Craig" the voice on the other end said "Craig Staley?" I said, "yeah how can I help you?" He said, "Craig this is Shane Thomas from EAS and Body for Life." Then my ears really perked up. I thought hmmm Shane Thomas that's the guy who signed the certificate of achievement, (along with Porter Freeman) I received in the mail for finishing the challenge. I was pretty dumbfounded at this point to say the least.
First he congratulated me for being one of the featured challengers. I told him that I said seen that and thought it was pretty cool. He said something to the effect of well we think what you have done so far is pretty cool. He asked me if I was still going strong, of course I said yes. He also asked if I planned on sending another packet in, in September like I said in my essay. I told him of course. Then he asked me how the six pack was coming along. I laughed and said well I am not quite there but working on it. He asked me what my buddy Jon thought about my improvements. I told him that he was pretty proud of what I had accomplished and that I had worked hard for it. He told me he really liked the first couple lines of my essay. He read it off "I remember early February I was out drinking with my friends and realized this is not at all what I wanted my life to be. Don’t get me wrong I love my friends but I was on a dead end road." It gets a little hazy from there but we talked about other people around me that had started BFL, like my family and my room mate.
Just seeing my photo and essay on the BFL page was a huge boost and just validated all of the work that I put into my transformation thus far. But this was really special to have a judge of the competition call me up interested to hear about my transformation, and checking up on me to make sure I was going strong. It finally hit me after that call what I have actually accomplished so far. Before I guess I kind of visualized the judges reading my essay looking at the pictures and saying this guy did pretty darn good and going on to the next one, but for them to stop and say hey check this out, and then posting it on the bfl page that's just really cool.
As you might imagine I spent the rest of the work day with a big smile on my face and couldn't wait to tell someone. After work I hurried home and grabbed some stuff and went off to my Brother and Sister in laws to give my brother his birthday present and of course Ace needed another present for making it through his first week. I spent a few hours with them, Jessica made me a special grilled chicken salad so I could eat with them which was very nice of her. That is one thing I don't like about BFL I don't want to be a burden when someone asks me to stay for dinner, even though I know she didn't mind.
It was great to see Ace he has gained a pound already up to 10lbs 6oz. I left their apartment around 9 and headed home. On the way home I called my buddy Jon to let him know the news. We talked about some stuff and that leads me to my computer here. Now I have to pack my lunch and head to bed I have to kill the legs tomorrow, a lot of extra motivation if you know what I mean. :)
I woke up this morning and headed to Lifetime to do a little swimming cardio. I bought some ear plugs the other day because I kept getting water in my ears and people were wondering why I was leaning my head all day. It's funny I was thinking back to my days in 4-H washing my show pigs, they always taught us not to get water in their ears or they would lean their heads during the show.
I had a good work out in the pool but just couldn't go 20 minutes so I went outside and ran some sprints on the turf. There were a couple of guys walking around outside and I almost bit it slowing down one time. I wasn't wearing any shoes and the turf was a little damp, just about had my feet fly out from underneath me. Those guys would have had a pretty good laugh. After my workout I got ready and went to work.
Around 9am my personal line rang it was an odd area code I think 614 but I get calls from customers all over so I didn't think any thing of it. I answered "Phone Sales this Craig" the voice on the other end said "Craig Staley?" I said, "yeah how can I help you?" He said, "Craig this is Shane Thomas from EAS and Body for Life." Then my ears really perked up. I thought hmmm Shane Thomas that's the guy who signed the certificate of achievement, (along with Porter Freeman) I received in the mail for finishing the challenge. I was pretty dumbfounded at this point to say the least.
First he congratulated me for being one of the featured challengers. I told him that I said seen that and thought it was pretty cool. He said something to the effect of well we think what you have done so far is pretty cool. He asked me if I was still going strong, of course I said yes. He also asked if I planned on sending another packet in, in September like I said in my essay. I told him of course. Then he asked me how the six pack was coming along. I laughed and said well I am not quite there but working on it. He asked me what my buddy Jon thought about my improvements. I told him that he was pretty proud of what I had accomplished and that I had worked hard for it. He told me he really liked the first couple lines of my essay. He read it off "I remember early February I was out drinking with my friends and realized this is not at all what I wanted my life to be. Don’t get me wrong I love my friends but I was on a dead end road." It gets a little hazy from there but we talked about other people around me that had started BFL, like my family and my room mate.
Just seeing my photo and essay on the BFL page was a huge boost and just validated all of the work that I put into my transformation thus far. But this was really special to have a judge of the competition call me up interested to hear about my transformation, and checking up on me to make sure I was going strong. It finally hit me after that call what I have actually accomplished so far. Before I guess I kind of visualized the judges reading my essay looking at the pictures and saying this guy did pretty darn good and going on to the next one, but for them to stop and say hey check this out, and then posting it on the bfl page that's just really cool.
As you might imagine I spent the rest of the work day with a big smile on my face and couldn't wait to tell someone. After work I hurried home and grabbed some stuff and went off to my Brother and Sister in laws to give my brother his birthday present and of course Ace needed another present for making it through his first week. I spent a few hours with them, Jessica made me a special grilled chicken salad so I could eat with them which was very nice of her. That is one thing I don't like about BFL I don't want to be a burden when someone asks me to stay for dinner, even though I know she didn't mind.
It was great to see Ace he has gained a pound already up to 10lbs 6oz. I left their apartment around 9 and headed home. On the way home I called my buddy Jon to let him know the news. We talked about some stuff and that leads me to my computer here. Now I have to pack my lunch and head to bed I have to kill the legs tomorrow, a lot of extra motivation if you know what I mean. :)
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Day 28
Weight 274lbs
This morning I went to the gym before church to do my upper body workout. I really pushed myself and had a great workout. I almost got sick at the end, I don't think it was because of my intensity I think it was from the Pizza hut I ate on my free day. Never again... Pizza Hut has now made it to my list of can never eat again foods. Too much grease just doesn't agree with me. After my workout I went to church and then back home to eat my first meal. Then off to work; it was kind of slow today, probably because it was so nice outside. After work I wen to my softball game, we lost, man we are horrible! lol Oh well, time for bed early swim tomorrow.
This morning I went to the gym before church to do my upper body workout. I really pushed myself and had a great workout. I almost got sick at the end, I don't think it was because of my intensity I think it was from the Pizza hut I ate on my free day. Never again... Pizza Hut has now made it to my list of can never eat again foods. Too much grease just doesn't agree with me. After my workout I went to church and then back home to eat my first meal. Then off to work; it was kind of slow today, probably because it was so nice outside. After work I wen to my softball game, we lost, man we are horrible! lol Oh well, time for bed early swim tomorrow.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Day 27
Big news today turns out I am one of the round 2, 2007 featured competitors on the BFL website. What great motivation this is for me as I near the half way point of my second challenge. Here is the link! http://www.bodyforlife.com/challenge/2007/07Featured2.asp
Weight 273lbs
This morning I woke up ate some cereal and did my homework for the next couple weeks to prepare for vacation. Later in the day I ran some hills w/ my room mate and another guy that are looking to get in shape for rugby. I think I will practice with them but don't know how much I can play because the game schedule contradicts with helping my Dad during harvest. I was beat the rest of the day I think it was a combination of free day food and those dog gone hills. I honestly didn't even feel like journaling :(. The cool thing is I was rewarded when I hoped on the computer and went to visit my message board friends. Mark found me on the BFL website and sent me the link. Wow, that was a huge surprise and boost for me!!! It's time to kick it up another notch.
Weight 273lbs
This morning I woke up ate some cereal and did my homework for the next couple weeks to prepare for vacation. Later in the day I ran some hills w/ my room mate and another guy that are looking to get in shape for rugby. I think I will practice with them but don't know how much I can play because the game schedule contradicts with helping my Dad during harvest. I was beat the rest of the day I think it was a combination of free day food and those dog gone hills. I honestly didn't even feel like journaling :(. The cool thing is I was rewarded when I hoped on the computer and went to visit my message board friends. Mark found me on the BFL website and sent me the link. Wow, that was a huge surprise and boost for me!!! It's time to kick it up another notch.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Day 25
I woke up this morning and did my LBW it was alright not my best ever. The only thing that I have found I like better about Gold's then Lifetime is the calf machines. Lifetime has a couple calf machines but compared to the amount of machines they have for every other muscle group it's kind of disappointing. I can adapt some of the hip sleds they have to calf machines so it works out alright. Work was very good today. I had a lady call up and order 8 recliners, that was a first. I found out yesterday that my next class is going to have a pretty small workload which is definitely a plus with vacation coming up. I should be able to get the next two weeks worth of assignments done tomorrow. I am tired so will probably be hitting the hay here pretty soon.
I woke up this morning and did my LBW it was alright not my best ever. The only thing that I have found I like better about Gold's then Lifetime is the calf machines. Lifetime has a couple calf machines but compared to the amount of machines they have for every other muscle group it's kind of disappointing. I can adapt some of the hip sleds they have to calf machines so it works out alright. Work was very good today. I had a lady call up and order 8 recliners, that was a first. I found out yesterday that my next class is going to have a pretty small workload which is definitely a plus with vacation coming up. I should be able to get the next two weeks worth of assignments done tomorrow. I am tired so will probably be hitting the hay here pretty soon.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Day 23
Weight 275lbs
This will be short I am tired. I had a good UBW this morning before I went to work. Work was good. Ate well. Got a lot of homework down. Wow that was exciting
This will be short I am tired. I had a good UBW this morning before I went to work. Work was good. Ate well. Got a lot of homework down. Wow that was exciting
Monday, July 16, 2007
Day 22
Weight- 275lbs
Today was very busy and about to get busier. I woke up this morning and went to the gym and swam for 20 minutes this was the first day I was able to make it all 20 minutes which was good. After my swim I got ready and went to work. Surprisingly July has been a pretty good sales month, today was a little slower but I needed a day to kind of play catch up. After work I headed to my aunts house to pick up my Mom and take her to the gym and show her how to do her LBW. That's right now my Mom has decided to become a BFLer. I gave her the book a couple of weeks ago she finally made time to read it last week and I helped her plan her workouts. Saturday while I was back home I taught her how to do the UBW. She is already learning the beauty of a good leg workout. While we were driving back from the gym she said her legs were shaking, so I think the first workout went pretty well. After we went to the gym we stopped by the book store and grabbed EFL for her to use at home. She is going to make Dad come in and workout with her in the mornings. He is actually pretty athletic and will probably enjoy lifting in the mornings it's just getting him to do the food thing that is an issue. He is going to have to make that decision to change because no one can make it for him.
Today was very busy and about to get busier. I woke up this morning and went to the gym and swam for 20 minutes this was the first day I was able to make it all 20 minutes which was good. After my swim I got ready and went to work. Surprisingly July has been a pretty good sales month, today was a little slower but I needed a day to kind of play catch up. After work I headed to my aunts house to pick up my Mom and take her to the gym and show her how to do her LBW. That's right now my Mom has decided to become a BFLer. I gave her the book a couple of weeks ago she finally made time to read it last week and I helped her plan her workouts. Saturday while I was back home I taught her how to do the UBW. She is already learning the beauty of a good leg workout. While we were driving back from the gym she said her legs were shaking, so I think the first workout went pretty well. After we went to the gym we stopped by the book store and grabbed EFL for her to use at home. She is going to make Dad come in and workout with her in the mornings. He is actually pretty athletic and will probably enjoy lifting in the mornings it's just getting him to do the food thing that is an issue. He is going to have to make that decision to change because no one can make it for him.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Day 17
Weight- 276
This morning I swam for 15 minutes that all my arms and shoulders could take. Then I went outside and did some sprints out on the turf. It ended up being a pretty good cardio session. I went to work and was busy again today. Class went pretty we gave a group presentation on the SWOT analysis for Little Caesars, and Domino's. I did have one slice last 12 week challenge I had one girls scout cookie this 12 weeks I guess my one screw up goes to domino's pizza. Maybe a few more sprints tomorrow after my upper body workout. I called my sister-in-law tonight no baby yet. They were supposed to induce at 6am tomorrow now the doctor pushed it back to 5pm tomorrow. I originally picked tomorrow as when she would have the baby even though she was due last week. She was disappointed that I was going to be right. Now sounds like the kid might not come till Friday the 13th. I am tired I need to go eat and go to bed.
Weight- 276
This morning I swam for 15 minutes that all my arms and shoulders could take. Then I went outside and did some sprints out on the turf. It ended up being a pretty good cardio session. I went to work and was busy again today. Class went pretty we gave a group presentation on the SWOT analysis for Little Caesars, and Domino's. I did have one slice last 12 week challenge I had one girls scout cookie this 12 weeks I guess my one screw up goes to domino's pizza. Maybe a few more sprints tomorrow after my upper body workout. I called my sister-in-law tonight no baby yet. They were supposed to induce at 6am tomorrow now the doctor pushed it back to 5pm tomorrow. I originally picked tomorrow as when she would have the baby even though she was due last week. She was disappointed that I was going to be right. Now sounds like the kid might not come till Friday the 13th. I am tired I need to go eat and go to bed.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Day 16
Weight- 277lbs
LBW workout was pretty intense this morning I was running a little behind so I only rested for between 30 and 45 seconds between sets. I ran my 1 full championship and 2 1/2 championships this morning I finally made my free throws and headed for the shower. I stopped by Bag 'N Save on the way to work to pick up a veggie tray for our "Christmas" in July celebration at work. I thought I just as well bring something that I can eat. The cool thing is 4 other people brought veggie trays. That has never happened before its always tons of cake and cookies chips an junk food stuff. The old Craig would have been disappointed about the lack of bad food. Hopefully there is no lightning tomorrow and I will be able to put in a good workout in the pool.
Weight- 277lbs
LBW workout was pretty intense this morning I was running a little behind so I only rested for between 30 and 45 seconds between sets. I ran my 1 full championship and 2 1/2 championships this morning I finally made my free throws and headed for the shower. I stopped by Bag 'N Save on the way to work to pick up a veggie tray for our "Christmas" in July celebration at work. I thought I just as well bring something that I can eat. The cool thing is 4 other people brought veggie trays. That has never happened before its always tons of cake and cookies chips an junk food stuff. The old Craig would have been disappointed about the lack of bad food. Hopefully there is no lightning tomorrow and I will be able to put in a good workout in the pool.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Day 15
Weight- 278lbs
I went to this gym this morning to do my cardio, luckily I got through most of my workout before they kicked me and a couple of other swimmers out of the lap pool. Apparently Nebraska state law states that if there is a visible lightning strike they have to close outdoor and indoor pools for one hour after the last lightning strike. Glad I know now, if they would have kicked me out before I could get my workout in I would have been running on the treadmill in swim trunks and sandals. Work was very busy and productive, just how I like it! The day went by so fast. On the way home I picked up some groceries and went home. I tried really hard to do my homework tonight but couldn't get it all done I just ran into a block. I will get the rest done tomorrow though no problem. Off to bed Legs tomorrow!
Weight- 278lbs
I went to this gym this morning to do my cardio, luckily I got through most of my workout before they kicked me and a couple of other swimmers out of the lap pool. Apparently Nebraska state law states that if there is a visible lightning strike they have to close outdoor and indoor pools for one hour after the last lightning strike. Glad I know now, if they would have kicked me out before I could get my workout in I would have been running on the treadmill in swim trunks and sandals. Work was very busy and productive, just how I like it! The day went by so fast. On the way home I picked up some groceries and went home. I tried really hard to do my homework tonight but couldn't get it all done I just ran into a block. I will get the rest done tomorrow though no problem. Off to bed Legs tomorrow!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Day 14
Weight- 279lbs
Today went well I got up early did my ubw its nice early in the morning when you pretty much have the gym to myself. After lifting I shot some baskets and decided to run a championship and then shoot free throws to get myself out of doing more. I think I will do that on lifting days to get in a little extra cardio. I got ready at the gym and headed to church then came home ate and off to work. After work I played some softball, we lost again, we are having a rough year. I came right after and ate I need to go to bed early so I can get up early for a swim.
Weight- 279lbs
Today went well I got up early did my ubw its nice early in the morning when you pretty much have the gym to myself. After lifting I shot some baskets and decided to run a championship and then shoot free throws to get myself out of doing more. I think I will do that on lifting days to get in a little extra cardio. I got ready at the gym and headed to church then came home ate and off to work. After work I played some softball, we lost again, we are having a rough year. I came right after and ate I need to go to bed early so I can get up early for a swim.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Day 13
Weight- 278lbs
Today was a good freeday I woke and did some laundry and homework, then went and got my hair cut. Later on in the afternoon my buddy Bill joined me at the gym, basically to lounge around at the pool. When I came home I found out my uncle had had another heart attack while golfing, (probably time to just hang up the clubs). So my parents were planning on coming in town to see him at the hospital. It sounds like he is going to be ok. He had a heart attack a couple of years ago while golfing and it was a wake up call for him, but sounds like this was a BIG wake up call. So later I met my parents, brother, and sister-in-law at the Upstream brewery for dinner. I had the Mojo Chicken Quesadilla, which was delicious for anyone looking to find some good free day food. Now I am working on packing lunches for tomorrow and clothes for the gym before church. Busy day tomorrow so I am going to need some rest tonight.
Weight- 278lbs
Today was a good freeday I woke and did some laundry and homework, then went and got my hair cut. Later on in the afternoon my buddy Bill joined me at the gym, basically to lounge around at the pool. When I came home I found out my uncle had had another heart attack while golfing, (probably time to just hang up the clubs). So my parents were planning on coming in town to see him at the hospital. It sounds like he is going to be ok. He had a heart attack a couple of years ago while golfing and it was a wake up call for him, but sounds like this was a BIG wake up call. So later I met my parents, brother, and sister-in-law at the Upstream brewery for dinner. I had the Mojo Chicken Quesadilla, which was delicious for anyone looking to find some good free day food. Now I am working on packing lunches for tomorrow and clothes for the gym before church. Busy day tomorrow so I am going to need some rest tonight.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Weight- 278lbs
This morning I did some house chores and kind of just relaxed. Around 1:30 I went to the gym to swim and then lay by the pool. I ran into Jon and he decided to swim with me. Pretty good workout, just trying to get to a point where I can continuously swim for 20 minutes, but that will take awhile. Then I layed by the pool till about 4:15 came in changed and shot some baskets for awhile then came home. Now I am going to head out to the bars and "party". Tomorrow morning and evening I will be hitting the books pretty hard so I don't have to deal with it as much on Monday and Tuesday.
This morning I did some house chores and kind of just relaxed. Around 1:30 I went to the gym to swim and then lay by the pool. I ran into Jon and he decided to swim with me. Pretty good workout, just trying to get to a point where I can continuously swim for 20 minutes, but that will take awhile. Then I layed by the pool till about 4:15 came in changed and shot some baskets for awhile then came home. Now I am going to head out to the bars and "party". Tomorrow morning and evening I will be hitting the books pretty hard so I don't have to deal with it as much on Monday and Tuesday.
Day 11
Weight- 278lbs
Things are going good just not fast enough for my liking! lol I went to the chiropractor this morning, turns out my neck is straight. Which I assumed was a good thing apparently your neck should have a curve in it. I don't know if I am going to continue to see this doctor at least on a regular basis. He said once my neck was better then we could talk about wellness care. You just pay $100 per month and we see you for adjustments every week. Really? sounds great I get to pay you $100 per month so you can adjust my spine that is in good shape. Wow where do I sign up???? I think the next time I go to the doctor with flu symptoms I will ask him if he wouldn't mind if I came back every week after I was better.
After I got out of the money grabber I mean chiropractors office I went to the gym and did my leg workout. This was the first time I really broke into a good sweat at the new gym, finished off the workout shooting some free throws. (Man my shot is terrible) Work was frustrating tons of calls not a lot of sales. I really dislike Thursday's because its the day before my weekend and my late shift just makes the day drag even more. Came home watched some TV and went to bed that is why I am writing my journal entry this morning.
Things are going good just not fast enough for my liking! lol I went to the chiropractor this morning, turns out my neck is straight. Which I assumed was a good thing apparently your neck should have a curve in it. I don't know if I am going to continue to see this doctor at least on a regular basis. He said once my neck was better then we could talk about wellness care. You just pay $100 per month and we see you for adjustments every week. Really? sounds great I get to pay you $100 per month so you can adjust my spine that is in good shape. Wow where do I sign up???? I think the next time I go to the doctor with flu symptoms I will ask him if he wouldn't mind if I came back every week after I was better.
After I got out of the money grabber I mean chiropractors office I went to the gym and did my leg workout. This was the first time I really broke into a good sweat at the new gym, finished off the workout shooting some free throws. (Man my shot is terrible) Work was frustrating tons of calls not a lot of sales. I really dislike Thursday's because its the day before my weekend and my late shift just makes the day drag even more. Came home watched some TV and went to bed that is why I am writing my journal entry this morning.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Day 10
Weight- 278lbs
Didn't post yesterday because I stayed out pretty late and didn't take the time to post when I got home. Today was very relaxing I woke up ate watched some TV then I went to the gym and swam some laps for cardio. I left the gym and headed over to my buddies parents house for a 4th of July party. We mainly hung out by the pool it made for a nice lazy day. I came home made some dinner and then went outside and watched some fireworks down by the lake for awhile.
Didn't post yesterday because I stayed out pretty late and didn't take the time to post when I got home. Today was very relaxing I woke up ate watched some TV then I went to the gym and swam some laps for cardio. I left the gym and headed over to my buddies parents house for a 4th of July party. We mainly hung out by the pool it made for a nice lazy day. I came home made some dinner and then went outside and watched some fireworks down by the lake for awhile.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Day 9
Weight- 279
I got to the gym around a quarter to 6 this morning I have decided to start swimming for my cardio. I am a pretty good swimmer but way out of practice. I couldn't even make it a lap without getting tired. I ended up doing just about every stroke I know to make it 20 minutes. This is going to be a fun new challenge. I showered and got ready for work at the gym I had plenty of time so I went to the gym's cafe and had a cup of coffee while I watched tennis with a few old guys. I left the gym around 7 and headed to work. I wanted to leave myself plenty of time so I could figure out how long it would take me to get from the gym to work. Turns out it takes about 30 minutes from the gym to my desk, so that's not too bad. It takes about 20 minutes from my apartment. Work went by fairly quickly I spent most of the day putting out fires. I came home ate and rested for awhile then went to the Transformers sneak peak at AMC. Wow! what a movie, even if you don't know what a transformer is it will be a fun one to see. Need to go pack my food and clothes for tomorrow.
I got to the gym around a quarter to 6 this morning I have decided to start swimming for my cardio. I am a pretty good swimmer but way out of practice. I couldn't even make it a lap without getting tired. I ended up doing just about every stroke I know to make it 20 minutes. This is going to be a fun new challenge. I showered and got ready for work at the gym I had plenty of time so I went to the gym's cafe and had a cup of coffee while I watched tennis with a few old guys. I left the gym around 7 and headed to work. I wanted to leave myself plenty of time so I could figure out how long it would take me to get from the gym to work. Turns out it takes about 30 minutes from the gym to my desk, so that's not too bad. It takes about 20 minutes from my apartment. Work went by fairly quickly I spent most of the day putting out fires. I came home ate and rested for awhile then went to the Transformers sneak peak at AMC. Wow! what a movie, even if you don't know what a transformer is it will be a fun one to see. Need to go pack my food and clothes for tomorrow.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Day 8
Weight- 280lbs
I didn't post yesterday because it was a late night, I had a few friends over for a little Sopranno's style dinner. It was delicious, salad, baked ziti, meatballs, gabagool italian sandwich. I went to church this morning, then work, all day at work I was contemplating whether or not to switch gyms. I finally took the plunge and joined the new lifetime fitness here in Omaha. The main thing that was holding me back was the distance. It is about 8 miles from my house instead of Gold's being 2miles. The place is beautiful it is more like a resort than a gym. Great weight facilities, more cardio machines than I could use in a year, and indoor and outdoor pools w/ water slides. I might have to come up with a water slide workout. hmmm.... They also give you two guest passes per month. So if anyone wants to come workout or hang by the pool let me know! There are more amenities than I can list, very cool place to continue my journey. Tomorrow I will start the day off with some laps in the pool which will be my new cardio for awhile. The one thing I am going to start doing is getting ready for work at the gym to save myself time. So I need to go pack my lunch and my clothes.
I didn't post yesterday because it was a late night, I had a few friends over for a little Sopranno's style dinner. It was delicious, salad, baked ziti, meatballs, gabagool italian sandwich. I went to church this morning, then work, all day at work I was contemplating whether or not to switch gyms. I finally took the plunge and joined the new lifetime fitness here in Omaha. The main thing that was holding me back was the distance. It is about 8 miles from my house instead of Gold's being 2miles. The place is beautiful it is more like a resort than a gym. Great weight facilities, more cardio machines than I could use in a year, and indoor and outdoor pools w/ water slides. I might have to come up with a water slide workout. hmmm.... They also give you two guest passes per month. So if anyone wants to come workout or hang by the pool let me know! There are more amenities than I can list, very cool place to continue my journey. Tomorrow I will start the day off with some laps in the pool which will be my new cardio for awhile. The one thing I am going to start doing is getting ready for work at the gym to save myself time. So I need to go pack my lunch and my clothes.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Day 5
Weight- 276lbs
Woke up this morning and went to the chiropractor around 8:10 spent almost 2hrs there. Consultation, X-ray, pop back in place, and electro therapy. My back feels better he wants me to come back in for an evaluation on Thursday next week. That will be my last visit. I think chiropractors do wonders but I am not all about this readjustments once a month or week I can't afford all that even if I thought it did make sense.
So after that I went to the gym and did my cardio. I got home at about 11 and had my first meal of the day which through me off for the day. I got all my meals in but I had to take a Myoplex shake and bar to memorial park for the concert and fireworks show just to get all my meals in.
Woke up this morning and went to the chiropractor around 8:10 spent almost 2hrs there. Consultation, X-ray, pop back in place, and electro therapy. My back feels better he wants me to come back in for an evaluation on Thursday next week. That will be my last visit. I think chiropractors do wonders but I am not all about this readjustments once a month or week I can't afford all that even if I thought it did make sense.
So after that I went to the gym and did my cardio. I got home at about 11 and had my first meal of the day which through me off for the day. I got all my meals in but I had to take a Myoplex shake and bar to memorial park for the concert and fireworks show just to get all my meals in.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Day 4
Weight- 276
I woke up this morning and went to the gym to do my upper body workout. I lowered my weights so I didn't strain my neck. I still managed to get a pretty good workout in. I came home ate and packed my lunches for the rest of the day. Work was work it went by fairly slow. I stopped by Walgreen's on the way home and picked up some Icy Hot gel which is helping my neck a little. Hopefully the chiropractor will be able to get me straightened out tomorrow morning.
I woke up this morning and went to the gym to do my upper body workout. I lowered my weights so I didn't strain my neck. I still managed to get a pretty good workout in. I came home ate and packed my lunches for the rest of the day. Work was work it went by fairly slow. I stopped by Walgreen's on the way home and picked up some Icy Hot gel which is helping my neck a little. Hopefully the chiropractor will be able to get me straightened out tomorrow morning.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Day 3
Weight- 276lbs
I woke up this morning for my cardio session and my hip was feeling pretty bad. On top of that my neck felt like it was out of place. So I took it as easy as I could on the treadmill. I set up an appointment Friday morning with a chiropractor so hopefully he can get me realigned. Tomorrow morning I still plan to do my upperbody workout. I think I can still have a decent work out with out straining myself too much.
I woke up this morning for my cardio session and my hip was feeling pretty bad. On top of that my neck felt like it was out of place. So I took it as easy as I could on the treadmill. I set up an appointment Friday morning with a chiropractor so hopefully he can get me realigned. Tomorrow morning I still plan to do my upperbody workout. I think I can still have a decent work out with out straining myself too much.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Day 2
Weight -279
I didn't get up early this morning I guess I needed some more rest. So I did my workout this evening. Today was legs and I had one of my better leg workouts. Gold's isn't the most well air conditioned gym in the world so I really worked up a good sweat. I have been recovering from a strained muscle that seems to run up to my left hip. It had just recently started to feel much better in the last week. Today when I was doing lunges I strained it again and it really is annoying me. So I think for the next couple weeks I will have to stick to leg curls. Eating is on like donkey kong I would say for the last 4 weeks or so my meals have pretty much been the same every day which for now seems to have boost my weight loss again I plan to continue it. EFl egg casserole, yogurt cottage cheese mix, Chicken Brown Rice Broccoli, Myoplex, Myoplex, Salmon baked potato broccoli. Surprisingly I am not bored with it. I think my free day breaks up the pattern for me. Well I need to go pack my lunches and head to bed.
I didn't get up early this morning I guess I needed some more rest. So I did my workout this evening. Today was legs and I had one of my better leg workouts. Gold's isn't the most well air conditioned gym in the world so I really worked up a good sweat. I have been recovering from a strained muscle that seems to run up to my left hip. It had just recently started to feel much better in the last week. Today when I was doing lunges I strained it again and it really is annoying me. So I think for the next couple weeks I will have to stick to leg curls. Eating is on like donkey kong I would say for the last 4 weeks or so my meals have pretty much been the same every day which for now seems to have boost my weight loss again I plan to continue it. EFl egg casserole, yogurt cottage cheese mix, Chicken Brown Rice Broccoli, Myoplex, Myoplex, Salmon baked potato broccoli. Surprisingly I am not bored with it. I think my free day breaks up the pattern for me. Well I need to go pack my lunches and head to bed.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Day 1
Weight- 284lbs
Day one baby! Its time to go, and it feels more like a competition now for me. Went to work this morning not much about that. Came home and went to the pool for awhile. Then met up with my brother went to a park and did a boxing workout and some sprints. We were both dead by the end of it. We finished with two "Oklahoma's" we did a 4 consecutive 50 yard sprints in between each sprint we alternated 10 push-ups and then 10 sit-ups by the last 10 sit-ups I was so out of breath. It was a great workout and plan on doing it more often during this 12 weeks. I came home and ate and now its time for bed, I need to get up early for my leg workout.
Day one baby! Its time to go, and it feels more like a competition now for me. Went to work this morning not much about that. Came home and went to the pool for awhile. Then met up with my brother went to a park and did a boxing workout and some sprints. We were both dead by the end of it. We finished with two "Oklahoma's" we did a 4 consecutive 50 yard sprints in between each sprint we alternated 10 push-ups and then 10 sit-ups by the last 10 sit-ups I was so out of breath. It was a great workout and plan on doing it more often during this 12 weeks. I came home and ate and now its time for bed, I need to get up early for my leg workout.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Day 0
Weight- unknown
Last night when I went to bed I was not feeling so well and didn't fall asleep till 3 am. I don't know if it was something I ate at the game last night or what, but my stomach was in knots so I called in sick. I took it pretty easy this morning just went to church at 9:30 and kind of hung out. By 3 this afternoon I was starting to feel better so I decided to go workout around 6pm or so.
Tomorrow is day one of challenge 2 and I am really excited. My brother is in town watching my aunts house while she is on vacation so I think I am going to meet him up to do a little boxing cardio after work. I bought some gloves and training pads awhile back and haven't really had the chance to use them. It will be a nice change.
Last night when I went to bed I was not feeling so well and didn't fall asleep till 3 am. I don't know if it was something I ate at the game last night or what, but my stomach was in knots so I called in sick. I took it pretty easy this morning just went to church at 9:30 and kind of hung out. By 3 this afternoon I was starting to feel better so I decided to go workout around 6pm or so.
Tomorrow is day one of challenge 2 and I am really excited. My brother is in town watching my aunts house while she is on vacation so I think I am going to meet him up to do a little boxing cardio after work. I bought some gloves and training pads awhile back and haven't really had the chance to use them. It will be a nice change.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Day -1

Weight- 278lbs
This morning I woke up and worked on my homework a little and then went to the mall before my brother came over to my house. We ran some errands and then came back to my house and took pictures for my count down challenge I am pretty happy with the results. I can see a big improvement in my face, chest, and my upper back (you can just start to see my shoulder blades.) I was contemplating the improvement that I made in my first 12 weeks and can't wait to see how big of a transformation I make in the next 12 weeks.
After we took pictures we headed down town to Barry O's to meet some friends and go to the CWS my brother and I bought a couple tickets from a regular there 4th row up on the left field line for face value. It was kind of a blow out, but still a fun game none the less. I think living in Omaha I take for granted the fact that this was the first game for the Baseball National Championship. It really cool when you think about it. I wanted to go out to the bars but I needed to come home early and cook for tomorrow. Speaking of which I better go check my chicken on the grill.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Day -2
Weight- 277lbs
This morning i got up went to the gym and did my last cardio workout before I start my next official challenge. It went pretty well considering the first 4 treadmills I got on either the Tv or the display was not working. Everybody at the gym probably thinks I am just real picky about which treadmill I am on. I had a great 10 today I finished running at a 15% incline at about 5.5 mph. Then I stretched and went home. I came home ate and worked on some homework then went to the pool for a couple of hours. I came in and ate around 3 and my brother and sister in law came over a little latter to go to the pool but unfortunately it started raining. Tomorrow I planning an amazing free day that may involve 6 meal, and none of them will be good. One last hurrah before the my next challenge. I can't wait!
This morning i got up went to the gym and did my last cardio workout before I start my next official challenge. It went pretty well considering the first 4 treadmills I got on either the Tv or the display was not working. Everybody at the gym probably thinks I am just real picky about which treadmill I am on. I had a great 10 today I finished running at a 15% incline at about 5.5 mph. Then I stretched and went home. I came home ate and worked on some homework then went to the pool for a couple of hours. I came in and ate around 3 and my brother and sister in law came over a little latter to go to the pool but unfortunately it started raining. Tomorrow I planning an amazing free day that may involve 6 meal, and none of them will be good. One last hurrah before the my next challenge. I can't wait!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Day -3
Weight 277lbs
I had a really good upper body work out at the gym this morning. I did the fly machine for chest and dumbell press as my superset and boy was I burning after that. I came home ate breakfast and watched some TV then went to work. My brother called me at work and I think we are going to go to the CWS on Saturday. Tomorrow though is all about doing homework and laying by the pool, maybe not in that specific order. Tomorrow night I think I will go to Paulie's, it is a hole in the wall 50 weeks out of the year, but during the CWS they build a fence around the entire bar's property and it is a huge party. I tried to get a hold of the lady at Creighton to do my Body fat % for me, no luck, it might have to happen next week. If I maintained the 209lbs of muscle then I am probably at about 25% at my current BF. Tomorrow is my last workout for this challenge countdown and I am really excited to start on Monday. I have been thinking, even though I know I will be happy being at 15% BF I may just do a 3rd challenge and try and get down to single digits. Hmmmm... maybe I should just worry about my second one first.
I had a really good upper body work out at the gym this morning. I did the fly machine for chest and dumbell press as my superset and boy was I burning after that. I came home ate breakfast and watched some TV then went to work. My brother called me at work and I think we are going to go to the CWS on Saturday. Tomorrow though is all about doing homework and laying by the pool, maybe not in that specific order. Tomorrow night I think I will go to Paulie's, it is a hole in the wall 50 weeks out of the year, but during the CWS they build a fence around the entire bar's property and it is a huge party. I tried to get a hold of the lady at Creighton to do my Body fat % for me, no luck, it might have to happen next week. If I maintained the 209lbs of muscle then I am probably at about 25% at my current BF. Tomorrow is my last workout for this challenge countdown and I am really excited to start on Monday. I have been thinking, even though I know I will be happy being at 15% BF I may just do a 3rd challenge and try and get down to single digits. Hmmmm... maybe I should just worry about my second one first.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Day -4
Weight- 279lbs
This morning was my first day below the 280's (that I know of I didn't weigh last weekend) It is always nice to see new numbers. I went to the gym and did my incline walking got my heart rate up to about 162bpm on a 30 degree incline to finish out at a 10. Work was pretty good today, I had a new E-commerce training with me for most of the day. At the end of the day I had him do the product searches while I took the call so he could get used to our computer system. He's new so it was a little frustrating for me because what I could find in seconds took him minutes, but I was there one time too and I actually made a couple of sales with him writing them up so that was cool. After work I came home and met my Mom before class she brought over a couple of shirts and a pair of shorts that she found on sale this weekend for me which was very nice. I didn't know at first about the shorts they look a little girly but I think they will work out alright. They are like long jogging pants cut offs very comfortable, I am wearing them right now in fact. Then off to class, class was class, there were a lot of people missing probably because it was so nice out and the CWS is in town. Well tomorrow is Upper body and I am excited for a really good workout. I forgot to call Creighton today about my BF% test I guess I will have to do that tomorrow morning.
This morning was my first day below the 280's (that I know of I didn't weigh last weekend) It is always nice to see new numbers. I went to the gym and did my incline walking got my heart rate up to about 162bpm on a 30 degree incline to finish out at a 10. Work was pretty good today, I had a new E-commerce training with me for most of the day. At the end of the day I had him do the product searches while I took the call so he could get used to our computer system. He's new so it was a little frustrating for me because what I could find in seconds took him minutes, but I was there one time too and I actually made a couple of sales with him writing them up so that was cool. After work I came home and met my Mom before class she brought over a couple of shirts and a pair of shorts that she found on sale this weekend for me which was very nice. I didn't know at first about the shorts they look a little girly but I think they will work out alright. They are like long jogging pants cut offs very comfortable, I am wearing them right now in fact. Then off to class, class was class, there were a lot of people missing probably because it was so nice out and the CWS is in town. Well tomorrow is Upper body and I am excited for a really good workout. I forgot to call Creighton today about my BF% test I guess I will have to do that tomorrow morning.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Day -5
Weight 282lbs
This will be a short one I just finished up my homework and don't feel like writing much. It has been such a long day I almost can't remember my workout this morning. I went to the gym around 6am and did a LBW, not one of my best but not a bad one. I came home checked my email and got ready for work. Work was pretty slow again but sometimes it's nice when it isn't so hectic. After I got off my Mom came in to do a little shopping so I helped her out for awhile then headed home. When I came home I ate my 5th meal, worked on my homework and reading, and squeezed in another meal. Tomorrow I need to call Creighton to see if they can check my BF% on Friday or Saturday. I hope I am down to at least 25% or so we will see I guess.
This will be a short one I just finished up my homework and don't feel like writing much. It has been such a long day I almost can't remember my workout this morning. I went to the gym around 6am and did a LBW, not one of my best but not a bad one. I came home checked my email and got ready for work. Work was pretty slow again but sometimes it's nice when it isn't so hectic. After I got off my Mom came in to do a little shopping so I helped her out for awhile then headed home. When I came home I ate my 5th meal, worked on my homework and reading, and squeezed in another meal. Tomorrow I need to call Creighton to see if they can check my BF% on Friday or Saturday. I hope I am down to at least 25% or so we will see I guess.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Day -6
Weight- 284lbs
I woke up this morning and hit the gym did a little HIIT cardio, then went home and got ready for work. Surprisingly my upper body is not all that sore I really expected to be hurting. It is kind of funny how that works. Sometimes you think you didn't get in a good work out and your dieing the next day, then sometimes you think you had the best workout ever and you don't feel anything. Work started out busy and then kind of tapered off. After work I came home did some homework and watched some TV. I am really starting to get excited for my next official stating in less than a week. My second class ended Wednesday and I got my grades back, I got another A. I am just expecting the grading to get tougher soon hopefully I can keep it up for a year. Well I better go pack my meals for tomorrow I need to go to bed I plan on getting up early for my LBW tomorrow.
I woke up this morning and hit the gym did a little HIIT cardio, then went home and got ready for work. Surprisingly my upper body is not all that sore I really expected to be hurting. It is kind of funny how that works. Sometimes you think you didn't get in a good work out and your dieing the next day, then sometimes you think you had the best workout ever and you don't feel anything. Work started out busy and then kind of tapered off. After work I came home did some homework and watched some TV. I am really starting to get excited for my next official stating in less than a week. My second class ended Wednesday and I got my grades back, I got another A. I am just expecting the grading to get tougher soon hopefully I can keep it up for a year. Well I better go pack my meals for tomorrow I need to go to bed I plan on getting up early for my LBW tomorrow.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Day -7
Weight- Unknown
It is good to be back to posting after a couple of days off. I went back to the farm this weekend to work on tearing down one of our barns. We got a lot accomplished. There were a ton of antique tools and things that we removed to save we also took down the cupola and lightning rods, as well as the large door that they used to open to put hay in the loft. We were planing on bringing the whole thing down, but didn't have the right equipment to do it safely. So we will do that in the middle of July sometime.
I had a great LBW at my old highschool on Friday. It was so hot in there and no fans I thought about opening a window but working up a good sweat was kind of fun in a sick sort of way. I tried to push my legs to failure on squats like planned, but didn't quite get there. However I got pretty dang close, and my legs are crying today.
I woke up this morning and drove back from Iowa for work at 10 it was dreadfully slow due to the CWS and Fathers day so our manager let all the fathers go home around 2. After work my brother and sister-in-law stopped by to say hi and give me a gift. I had been talking about how cool it would be if they had a candle that smelled like fresh cut grass. Jessica told me they had them at Target. Of course I completely forgot to go pick one up, but they got one for me and it's great!
After they left I went to the gym and had a really great UBW and will be very sore tomorrow! Even though my weight isn't going down by leaps and bounds I definately notice a difference in my BF, during this time between challenges I have lost alot in my chest and gut. I also noticed my calves in the mirror on friday and they are starting to show some good definition. Slowly but surely I am getting there.
I have most of my major cooking done for the first part of the week and am ready pretty much for bed. I will wake up early again tomorrow and do my cardio before work.
It is good to be back to posting after a couple of days off. I went back to the farm this weekend to work on tearing down one of our barns. We got a lot accomplished. There were a ton of antique tools and things that we removed to save we also took down the cupola and lightning rods, as well as the large door that they used to open to put hay in the loft. We were planing on bringing the whole thing down, but didn't have the right equipment to do it safely. So we will do that in the middle of July sometime.
I had a great LBW at my old highschool on Friday. It was so hot in there and no fans I thought about opening a window but working up a good sweat was kind of fun in a sick sort of way. I tried to push my legs to failure on squats like planned, but didn't quite get there. However I got pretty dang close, and my legs are crying today.
I woke up this morning and drove back from Iowa for work at 10 it was dreadfully slow due to the CWS and Fathers day so our manager let all the fathers go home around 2. After work my brother and sister-in-law stopped by to say hi and give me a gift. I had been talking about how cool it would be if they had a candle that smelled like fresh cut grass. Jessica told me they had them at Target. Of course I completely forgot to go pick one up, but they got one for me and it's great!
After they left I went to the gym and had a really great UBW and will be very sore tomorrow! Even though my weight isn't going down by leaps and bounds I definately notice a difference in my BF, during this time between challenges I have lost alot in my chest and gut. I also noticed my calves in the mirror on friday and they are starting to show some good definition. Slowly but surely I am getting there.
I have most of my major cooking done for the first part of the week and am ready pretty much for bed. I will wake up early again tomorrow and do my cardio before work.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Day -12
Weight- 281lbs
This morning I went to 24 again with Dave what a way to start the morning. I walked in and signed the guest sheet like I did on Monday. The kid at the desk said, your ID please in a condescending tone. I assumed he was talking to Dave. I just kept my head down filling the info out on the sign up sheet he again said, YOUR ID PLEASE... in an even snottier tone. I looked up and asked are you talking to me? He said yes I need your ID. I didn't bring my wallet for some reason and told him that. Man he was annoyed! He then lectured me about how I need to bring an ID every time. I apologized and told him that they didn't request an ID the first time, I told him I could go home and grab it. Luckily he pulled some strings probably put his job on the line and let me in w/o seeing my ID. Dave and I had a great workout I hit a new high on bench first time I was able to break out he 85lb dumb bells in a long time. Dave seems to really push himself time wise I think he finished right around 47 minutes which is good. When we left the gym and got in the car Dave and I were laughing about the exchange at the front desk. Dave had a good explanation for why this kid was so rude. He was what some might call an emo or "emotional" kid he looked a little like a toned down Marilyn Manson, not your typical gym rat. Dave thought it was the perfect job for him because all through high school he was probably picked on or something by the "jocks" and now he could get his revenge by hassling them at the front desk of a 24 hour fitness. lol Oh well I am really tired so I am going to bed I have along day ahead of me. I don't think I will post again until Sunday since I will be back home but trust me I will be getting my workouts and eating done as usual.
This morning I went to 24 again with Dave what a way to start the morning. I walked in and signed the guest sheet like I did on Monday. The kid at the desk said, your ID please in a condescending tone. I assumed he was talking to Dave. I just kept my head down filling the info out on the sign up sheet he again said, YOUR ID PLEASE... in an even snottier tone. I looked up and asked are you talking to me? He said yes I need your ID. I didn't bring my wallet for some reason and told him that. Man he was annoyed! He then lectured me about how I need to bring an ID every time. I apologized and told him that they didn't request an ID the first time, I told him I could go home and grab it. Luckily he pulled some strings probably put his job on the line and let me in w/o seeing my ID. Dave and I had a great workout I hit a new high on bench first time I was able to break out he 85lb dumb bells in a long time. Dave seems to really push himself time wise I think he finished right around 47 minutes which is good. When we left the gym and got in the car Dave and I were laughing about the exchange at the front desk. Dave had a good explanation for why this kid was so rude. He was what some might call an emo or "emotional" kid he looked a little like a toned down Marilyn Manson, not your typical gym rat. Dave thought it was the perfect job for him because all through high school he was probably picked on or something by the "jocks" and now he could get his revenge by hassling them at the front desk of a 24 hour fitness. lol Oh well I am really tired so I am going to bed I have along day ahead of me. I don't think I will post again until Sunday since I will be back home but trust me I will be getting my workouts and eating done as usual.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Day -13
Weight- 283lbs
This morning I woke up early went to the gym and did some incline HIIT cardio. It was a good session and I pushed through it nicely. I think however I need to up the speed on Thursday. I got lucky today I one of our KC visitors didn't show up so I only had someone sitting with me for about 30 minutes. After work I went to the pool for awhile, it got a little cool so I came in early. I did a little homework ate and watched TV. I also picked my Mom's new laptop up for her today and got it charged tomorrow I will load Microsoft Office on for her and bring it home this weekend. Tomorrow I am going to go to 24 hr fitness again and help Dave with his legs, while I do my arms workout.
This morning I woke up early went to the gym and did some incline HIIT cardio. It was a good session and I pushed through it nicely. I think however I need to up the speed on Thursday. I got lucky today I one of our KC visitors didn't show up so I only had someone sitting with me for about 30 minutes. After work I went to the pool for awhile, it got a little cool so I came in early. I did a little homework ate and watched TV. I also picked my Mom's new laptop up for her today and got it charged tomorrow I will load Microsoft Office on for her and bring it home this weekend. Tomorrow I am going to go to 24 hr fitness again and help Dave with his legs, while I do my arms workout.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Day -14
Weight- 284lbs
This morning I woke up and went to 24 hour fitness with Dave and helped him through his first BFL workout. He did pretty good and I looked at his sheet afterward he was pretty realistic about his 10's whereas looking back at my first workout I hit all 10's (yeah right). Working out in the morning gave me so much energy for work it was really great. Tomorrow I will have a manager or staff member from the KC store sitting with me and listening in all day. It is not bad having them sit with you for an hour, but the whole day? Oh well it's just one day.
I need to get a new protein shaker tomorrow because the cap on the one I have now got melted in the dishwasher. I can't continue to use my thumb as a cap it doesn't quite make a perfect seal.
This morning I woke up and went to 24 hour fitness with Dave and helped him through his first BFL workout. He did pretty good and I looked at his sheet afterward he was pretty realistic about his 10's whereas looking back at my first workout I hit all 10's (yeah right). Working out in the morning gave me so much energy for work it was really great. Tomorrow I will have a manager or staff member from the KC store sitting with me and listening in all day. It is not bad having them sit with you for an hour, but the whole day? Oh well it's just one day.
I need to get a new protein shaker tomorrow because the cap on the one I have now got melted in the dishwasher. I can't continue to use my thumb as a cap it doesn't quite make a perfect seal.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Day -15
Weight 285lbs
Today's post will be very short I have to get to bed so I can get up early and go with Dave to the gym and help him through his first UBW. Today went really well I ate well and had a great work out this morning before church. I even beat the employees to the gym I forgot the gym opened at 7 on Sunday's and was there at 6:30. So I took a little nap in my car before my workout. Work went well today and after work I played softball. We lost big time and there was little conflict with the umps but it was still fun.
Today's post will be very short I have to get to bed so I can get up early and go with Dave to the gym and help him through his first UBW. Today went really well I ate well and had a great work out this morning before church. I even beat the employees to the gym I forgot the gym opened at 7 on Sunday's and was there at 6:30. So I took a little nap in my car before my workout. Work went well today and after work I played softball. We lost big time and there was little conflict with the umps but it was still fun.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Day -16
Weight 280lbs
What a great day! We went to Beaver Lake to celebrate my Aunt and Uncle's 40th wedding anniversary at their daughter-in-laws family's lake home. It was a beautiful day we and a lot of fun. Most of my Mom's side hadn't seen me since I started BFL and all noticed a huge difference in my appearance. I don't think the compliments ever get old :) they kind of fuel the fire. They were probably wondering how I lost all the weight considering all I did was eat today(Free day) lol. I am so tired it is amazing how tired you get from just lounging around in the sun all day, really zaps ya. I will get a good nights sleep tonight!
Tomorrow will be a busy one. I plan on getting up early and going to the gym, then going to church right after, then on to work. After work I have a softball game. I am excited for this week, I will keep the intensity up at the gym and hopefully keep moving the scale in the right direction. I am starting to catch my brother which will make a fun competition for both of us! Right now he is sitting at about 275lbs I think.
What a great day! We went to Beaver Lake to celebrate my Aunt and Uncle's 40th wedding anniversary at their daughter-in-laws family's lake home. It was a beautiful day we and a lot of fun. Most of my Mom's side hadn't seen me since I started BFL and all noticed a huge difference in my appearance. I don't think the compliments ever get old :) they kind of fuel the fire. They were probably wondering how I lost all the weight considering all I did was eat today(Free day) lol. I am so tired it is amazing how tired you get from just lounging around in the sun all day, really zaps ya. I will get a good nights sleep tonight!
Tomorrow will be a busy one. I plan on getting up early and going to the gym, then going to church right after, then on to work. After work I have a softball game. I am excited for this week, I will keep the intensity up at the gym and hopefully keep moving the scale in the right direction. I am starting to catch my brother which will make a fun competition for both of us! Right now he is sitting at about 275lbs I think.
Day -17
I woke up and went to the gym around 9 today and did cardio. The work out was good HIIT incline cardio. After the gym I went to Jensen tire where one of my friends works and dropped off my car. My sister-in-law Jessica picked me up and took back to my house. I told her I was glad that she picked me up because I didn't want this to be the first time I took a cab before midnight. If you are reading this Jessica, thank you for doing that. When I got back home I ate did a little homework and watched TV. Around 4:30 I got call from Jensen Tire saying my car was done. So I called my friend Jon and he picked me up and took me down there. We got there the guy explained the charges and I gave him my bank card to pay. It came back declined, because I have a $600 daily spending limit on the card and the bill was like $609. Luckily I have really good friends, before I could even call my bank Jon just offered to pay for it for me. So he came to my house after and I just wrote him a check. It is so nice to have the piece of mind that my tire isn't going to just blow at any minute. I also had the exhaust fixed which had been rumbling for a couple weeks now, so it is really nice that it is back to being silent.
Later on in the evening Jon and couple of my other friends and I went down to check out taste of Omaha. It is basically a carnival type atmosphere down by the river, highlighting many of the restaurants food from around the Omaha area. In other words it is a bunch of booze and really good food. I did manage to find something I could eat. Chicken Kabobs, just chicken on a stick. It didn't bother me not being able to eat or drink what did bother me a little was my friends asking me are you sure you don't want any? There is just so many times a guy can get tempted before he caves, but I didn't so that was good. We went to a bar downtown later that night and then I drove Brad's Jeep back to his place because I was the only one sober. They will owe me a few DD's come September. Overall a very good night but it is 2am time for bed.
I woke up and went to the gym around 9 today and did cardio. The work out was good HIIT incline cardio. After the gym I went to Jensen tire where one of my friends works and dropped off my car. My sister-in-law Jessica picked me up and took back to my house. I told her I was glad that she picked me up because I didn't want this to be the first time I took a cab before midnight. If you are reading this Jessica, thank you for doing that. When I got back home I ate did a little homework and watched TV. Around 4:30 I got call from Jensen Tire saying my car was done. So I called my friend Jon and he picked me up and took me down there. We got there the guy explained the charges and I gave him my bank card to pay. It came back declined, because I have a $600 daily spending limit on the card and the bill was like $609. Luckily I have really good friends, before I could even call my bank Jon just offered to pay for it for me. So he came to my house after and I just wrote him a check. It is so nice to have the piece of mind that my tire isn't going to just blow at any minute. I also had the exhaust fixed which had been rumbling for a couple weeks now, so it is really nice that it is back to being silent.
Later on in the evening Jon and couple of my other friends and I went down to check out taste of Omaha. It is basically a carnival type atmosphere down by the river, highlighting many of the restaurants food from around the Omaha area. In other words it is a bunch of booze and really good food. I did manage to find something I could eat. Chicken Kabobs, just chicken on a stick. It didn't bother me not being able to eat or drink what did bother me a little was my friends asking me are you sure you don't want any? There is just so many times a guy can get tempted before he caves, but I didn't so that was good. We went to a bar downtown later that night and then I drove Brad's Jeep back to his place because I was the only one sober. They will owe me a few DD's come September. Overall a very good night but it is 2am time for bed.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Day -18
Weight- 281lbs
I am really feeling good now that I have gone back to drinking 2 Myoplexes a day, I feel like I have more energy. I went to the gym this morning after my meeting and did my upper body workout. My workout was really intense broke into a good sweat. I did forget to stretch, but still a good workout. Work was hectic today, two people were in Vegas and one person had a family member die so we were really short. We were slammed all day long which was good in a way because there was plenty of money to be made. I came home after work and my room mate was half way into the BFL book and probably will finish it tonight. He was asking me a lot of questions about it and I believe will be doing the official 12 week challenge with me starting June 25th. I think the possibility of helping someone through a challenge start to finish and seeing their results will be more rewarding then making it through it myself. I am so excited for June 25th I can't even stand it. More importantly I am really excited for September 16th!
I am really feeling good now that I have gone back to drinking 2 Myoplexes a day, I feel like I have more energy. I went to the gym this morning after my meeting and did my upper body workout. My workout was really intense broke into a good sweat. I did forget to stretch, but still a good workout. Work was hectic today, two people were in Vegas and one person had a family member die so we were really short. We were slammed all day long which was good in a way because there was plenty of money to be made. I came home after work and my room mate was half way into the BFL book and probably will finish it tonight. He was asking me a lot of questions about it and I believe will be doing the official 12 week challenge with me starting June 25th. I think the possibility of helping someone through a challenge start to finish and seeing their results will be more rewarding then making it through it myself. I am so excited for June 25th I can't even stand it. More importantly I am really excited for September 16th!
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Day -19
Weight- 280lbs
Today started off with a bang when I stepped on the old scale. It looks like tightening up my food and bringing up my intensity is paying off, lesson learned. The lessons I learn from this program are invaluable and just like life if you learn from your lessons and try not to make them again you become a better person. I went to the gym before work and did incline cardio on the treadmill again. I came home waited and hour before eating breakfast and then went to work. After work I came home had a Myoplex and then went to class. Class went by pretty fast, this program is just plain fast paced. I am sure in December I will be wishing it was over though. Tomorrow I am going to make an appointment for my car at Jensen Tire I will drop it off in the morning then my brother is going to pick me up and give me a ride home. We will pick it up on Saturday morning before going to my aunt and uncles anniversary party. Well I have a meeting early tomorrow so I better get to bed.
Today started off with a bang when I stepped on the old scale. It looks like tightening up my food and bringing up my intensity is paying off, lesson learned. The lessons I learn from this program are invaluable and just like life if you learn from your lessons and try not to make them again you become a better person. I went to the gym before work and did incline cardio on the treadmill again. I came home waited and hour before eating breakfast and then went to work. After work I came home had a Myoplex and then went to class. Class went by pretty fast, this program is just plain fast paced. I am sure in December I will be wishing it was over though. Tomorrow I am going to make an appointment for my car at Jensen Tire I will drop it off in the morning then my brother is going to pick me up and give me a ride home. We will pick it up on Saturday morning before going to my aunt and uncles anniversary party. Well I have a meeting early tomorrow so I better get to bed.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Day -21
Weight- 284lbs
Today went well I woke up early and went to the gym. I have decided to go back to the basics. I have given up on my "distance" running for awhile and am going back to BFL style cardio. Today I walked inclines between 15-30%. It really got my heart rate going around 145 or so at the higher inclines. I came home showered ate breakfast and went to work. Work was really slow, but it ended up to be an alright day. I came home did a little cleaning and laundry then worked on a little homework. I am going to pack my lunch and then go to bed early so I can get up early and work the legs. My workout yesterday proved to be pretty good. My chest, triceps, and biceps are really sore today!
Today went well I woke up early and went to the gym. I have decided to go back to the basics. I have given up on my "distance" running for awhile and am going back to BFL style cardio. Today I walked inclines between 15-30%. It really got my heart rate going around 145 or so at the higher inclines. I came home showered ate breakfast and went to work. Work was really slow, but it ended up to be an alright day. I came home did a little cleaning and laundry then worked on a little homework. I am going to pack my lunch and then go to bed early so I can get up early and work the legs. My workout yesterday proved to be pretty good. My chest, triceps, and biceps are really sore today!
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Day -22
Weight unknown
Work was ok today slow but I still managed to squeeze out a few sales. After work I went to my cousins high school graduation party. It was good to see some of my family there. After I came home changed and went to the gym. I had the most intense workout that I have had since my official challenge ended. I focused on my lifts and that was it. That is how intense I plan to stay all the way through September. I realized today for the past couple weeks I have lost my intensity and focus. Now it is back to stay, its time I get back to steam roller mode. I ate well today and went back to drinking two Myoplexes. Tomorrow I am going to get up early to do cardio on an empty stomach. I am excited for the next 3 weeks leading up to my next official challenge.
Work was ok today slow but I still managed to squeeze out a few sales. After work I went to my cousins high school graduation party. It was good to see some of my family there. After I came home changed and went to the gym. I had the most intense workout that I have had since my official challenge ended. I focused on my lifts and that was it. That is how intense I plan to stay all the way through September. I realized today for the past couple weeks I have lost my intensity and focus. Now it is back to stay, its time I get back to steam roller mode. I ate well today and went back to drinking two Myoplexes. Tomorrow I am going to get up early to do cardio on an empty stomach. I am excited for the next 3 weeks leading up to my next official challenge.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Day -23
Weight 283lbs
Today went really well, how could it not it was my free day. I went over to my brother and sister and laws and made lunch for them and gave them some baby presents. They are due the first part of July. I made EFL enchiladas. I asked them if they liked them spicy they said yeah, so I put in two Jalapenos instead of one. It may have been a little too spicy! Jessica's sister fed a bite to her son who is probably two or so. You should have seen the look on his face. LOL! He immediately took the piece of chicken out of his mouth threw it on the table and started chugging juice from his sippy cup. So she fed him a sandwich instead, but he kept trying to eat the enchiladas. It was funny. Later we went to De Soto Bend and fished for a little while, but we couldn't stay long because it started to rain. We came back their apartment went to church. After church I looked at my tire and realized there was a bubble on the side wall hopefully it can make it a couple days till I can get new tires. I was just hoping I could make it home! Now I am going to eat and then head out with some friends downtown. Tomorrow begins a week of intense focus and even more intense workouts!
Today went really well, how could it not it was my free day. I went over to my brother and sister and laws and made lunch for them and gave them some baby presents. They are due the first part of July. I made EFL enchiladas. I asked them if they liked them spicy they said yeah, so I put in two Jalapenos instead of one. It may have been a little too spicy! Jessica's sister fed a bite to her son who is probably two or so. You should have seen the look on his face. LOL! He immediately took the piece of chicken out of his mouth threw it on the table and started chugging juice from his sippy cup. So she fed him a sandwich instead, but he kept trying to eat the enchiladas. It was funny. Later we went to De Soto Bend and fished for a little while, but we couldn't stay long because it started to rain. We came back their apartment went to church. After church I looked at my tire and realized there was a bubble on the side wall hopefully it can make it a couple days till I can get new tires. I was just hoping I could make it home! Now I am going to eat and then head out with some friends downtown. Tomorrow begins a week of intense focus and even more intense workouts!
Day -24
Weight 284lbs
This morning I woke up and went to the gym and spent a little extra time doing cardio. I jumped rope for awhile (which I am not very good at) did some wall climbs and then hit the stationary bike for 30 minutes. I came home worked on some homework and did some laundry. Later in the evening I met up with my brother and sister in law and went to a movie. I came home finished folding my laundry and here I am. I am really excited to start this next week with a new focus on my workouts and eating. I am going to tighten up my meals and kick my workouts up a notch.
This morning I woke up and went to the gym and spent a little extra time doing cardio. I jumped rope for awhile (which I am not very good at) did some wall climbs and then hit the stationary bike for 30 minutes. I came home worked on some homework and did some laundry. Later in the evening I met up with my brother and sister in law and went to a movie. I came home finished folding my laundry and here I am. I am really excited to start this next week with a new focus on my workouts and eating. I am going to tighten up my meals and kick my workouts up a notch.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Day -25
Weight 284lbs
I am still plateauing and can't stand it. So next week it is back to the basics! I am cutting out the EFL food I normally eat. I am also going to start drinking two Myoplex's a day to substitute for the 1 protein shake and extra EFL meal I have been eating. I really want to be down to around 270 before I start my next official challenge. My leg work out today was pretty good I saved my ab workout for tomorrow because I was still sore this morning from the last ab workout. I will probably do the same ab workout tomorrow minus the floor wipers.
I am still plateauing and can't stand it. So next week it is back to the basics! I am cutting out the EFL food I normally eat. I am also going to start drinking two Myoplex's a day to substitute for the 1 protein shake and extra EFL meal I have been eating. I really want to be down to around 270 before I start my next official challenge. My leg work out today was pretty good I saved my ab workout for tomorrow because I was still sore this morning from the last ab workout. I will probably do the same ab workout tomorrow minus the floor wipers.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Day -26
Weight 283lbs
Work was kind of boring today, after I got home I practiced my presentation a couple of times and then went to class. I gave a pretty good presentation for just finishing it last night. After class I came home changed and went to the gym. I decided to do some work on the elliptical machine. It was a good workout, I stretched and went home. I made enough shrimp stir fry for tonight's meal as well as lunch so I should be set for tomorrow.
Work was kind of boring today, after I got home I practiced my presentation a couple of times and then went to class. I gave a pretty good presentation for just finishing it last night. After class I came home changed and went to the gym. I decided to do some work on the elliptical machine. It was a good workout, I stretched and went home. I made enough shrimp stir fry for tonight's meal as well as lunch so I should be set for tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Day -27
Weight- 285lbs
I just finished my presentation for class tomorrow and I really don't feel like typing anymore. I ate well today and had a really good upper body workout. I am soooooo sore from yesterdays ab workout. This is the first time my abs have ever been sore top to bottom. I am tired so it is off to bed. More tomorrow!
I just finished my presentation for class tomorrow and I really don't feel like typing anymore. I ate well today and had a really good upper body workout. I am soooooo sore from yesterdays ab workout. This is the first time my abs have ever been sore top to bottom. I am tired so it is off to bed. More tomorrow!
Monday, May 28, 2007
Day -28
Today went very well, I got up this morning ate and then went to the golf tournament my friends and I put on. Pretty small affair mainly with people we know. After that I came home took a nap and then went to the gym to do cardio. I met Jon there we were planning on doing abs together. I did my cardio while he was working upper body. I ended doing about 20 mins on the tred stairs and 10 on the stationary bike to give him time to finish his work out. The ab work out was good and I am sure I will be feeling it tomorrow. The floor wipers were a fun exercise to do and plan on trying to do it on or two times a month. After the I got home I ate and then my roommate and I did some cleaning. After that we watched the movie Invincible. It was a good story I have come to the realization that football movies can't be bad. I don't think I have ever seen one I didn't like. I am really tired I need to pack my lunch and go to bed.
Today went very well, I got up this morning ate and then went to the golf tournament my friends and I put on. Pretty small affair mainly with people we know. After that I came home took a nap and then went to the gym to do cardio. I met Jon there we were planning on doing abs together. I did my cardio while he was working upper body. I ended doing about 20 mins on the tred stairs and 10 on the stationary bike to give him time to finish his work out. The ab work out was good and I am sure I will be feeling it tomorrow. The floor wipers were a fun exercise to do and plan on trying to do it on or two times a month. After the I got home I ate and then my roommate and I did some cleaning. After that we watched the movie Invincible. It was a good story I have come to the realization that football movies can't be bad. I don't think I have ever seen one I didn't like. I am really tired I need to pack my lunch and go to bed.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Day -29
So less then a month away from my second and probably final "official" challenge. I have been chugging along as Kevin put it but, I am getting to impatient for my "final" results. I know they will come and I know that I am also in a much better place than I was 15 weeks ago. I am sure it is linked to a slow week in the weight loss category. It's funny because I know this week I will loose weight, no question about it, but I still get down about it. Today went well I ate well and made some money at work. I think people were getting there shopping done before the store closed tomorrow. After work I cam home and took a little nap, then went to the gym. There was one car there I couldn't believe it they closed early for Memorial day. So I came home and did my leg work out with a stability ball. I strapped on book bags, golf bags, and anything that could be used as weights to myself. It was a pretty good workout considering. Tomorrow after I go golfing I will go to the gym (They are open till 8pm) and do cardio then Jon and I are going to do abs together. We wanted to try out floor wipers. They sound like fun and definitely require a spotter. Here is a link if you don't know what they are. They originated from Gym Jones the Gym that trained the "Spartans" in the movie 300.
So less then a month away from my second and probably final "official" challenge. I have been chugging along as Kevin put it but, I am getting to impatient for my "final" results. I know they will come and I know that I am also in a much better place than I was 15 weeks ago. I am sure it is linked to a slow week in the weight loss category. It's funny because I know this week I will loose weight, no question about it, but I still get down about it. Today went well I ate well and made some money at work. I think people were getting there shopping done before the store closed tomorrow. After work I cam home and took a little nap, then went to the gym. There was one car there I couldn't believe it they closed early for Memorial day. So I came home and did my leg work out with a stability ball. I strapped on book bags, golf bags, and anything that could be used as weights to myself. It was a pretty good workout considering. Tomorrow after I go golfing I will go to the gym (They are open till 8pm) and do cardio then Jon and I are going to do abs together. We wanted to try out floor wipers. They sound like fun and definitely require a spotter. Here is a link if you don't know what they are. They originated from Gym Jones the Gym that trained the "Spartans" in the movie 300.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Day -31
Weight- 283lbs
This morning I woke up early and went to work to fix my customer's issue. Luckily, she had calmed down a little since the night before and was much easier to deal with. I left work and went to the zoo to meet my Mom and her class. The zoo was a zoo! Half of the baseball stadium's parking lot was full and it was 10:30 on a Friday. It was a great day outside so I can understand why. I was really impressed with the new orangutan and gorilla exhibit it was a much nicer area for the people and the animals. I think the gorillas were my favorite part of the day it was just neat to see them up close and how massive their hands were. Another thing I was so impressed about were the Rhino's. Sizing them up I would have to say they they were at least as tall as me if not taller! I guess I thought they were a little shorter than that. The funny thing is I thought the elephants looked a little small.
I didn't really feel like hauling lunches around all day so I didn't eat from about 8am till about 2pm. I was so hungry when I got home. I ended up getting 5 meals in today. Later on I went to a local bar and met up with a guy I worked with at the Mart. It was good seeing him it has been awhile. I hung out for about an hour and then headed to the gym for the ole "speed" mile challenge. Well I finished today, my time was 8mins 20 seconds. I was pretty happy with that, heck 3 months ago my time would have probably been 20 minutes. I can't wait to see what I will be able to do come Sept. after my second challenge. Could I shave 2 mins off of that time? I don't know I don't think it would be impossible but definitely challenging. I came home ate my 4th meal and watched some TV. I didn't get any reading done today so I will have to make up for it tomorrow.
This morning I woke up early and went to work to fix my customer's issue. Luckily, she had calmed down a little since the night before and was much easier to deal with. I left work and went to the zoo to meet my Mom and her class. The zoo was a zoo! Half of the baseball stadium's parking lot was full and it was 10:30 on a Friday. It was a great day outside so I can understand why. I was really impressed with the new orangutan and gorilla exhibit it was a much nicer area for the people and the animals. I think the gorillas were my favorite part of the day it was just neat to see them up close and how massive their hands were. Another thing I was so impressed about were the Rhino's. Sizing them up I would have to say they they were at least as tall as me if not taller! I guess I thought they were a little shorter than that. The funny thing is I thought the elephants looked a little small.
I didn't really feel like hauling lunches around all day so I didn't eat from about 8am till about 2pm. I was so hungry when I got home. I ended up getting 5 meals in today. Later on I went to a local bar and met up with a guy I worked with at the Mart. It was good seeing him it has been awhile. I hung out for about an hour and then headed to the gym for the ole "speed" mile challenge. Well I finished today, my time was 8mins 20 seconds. I was pretty happy with that, heck 3 months ago my time would have probably been 20 minutes. I can't wait to see what I will be able to do come Sept. after my second challenge. Could I shave 2 mins off of that time? I don't know I don't think it would be impossible but definitely challenging. I came home ate my 4th meal and watched some TV. I didn't get any reading done today so I will have to make up for it tomorrow.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Day -32
Weight 284lbs
I woke up this morning and had a good upper body workout at the gym. My legs are still really sore from Tuesday's lower body workout. I came home from the gym ate and packed my lunch then headed off to work. That is where my day started going down hill. I screwed up a customer's order Monday, and long story short I am going to have to show up tomorrow morning for awhile to fix things. I hate making mistakes on orders and for the thousands of orders I write it doesn't happen all that often but when it does I hate it. After I get that order taken care of I am going to meet my Mom and her class at the zoo. It has been a couple of years since I have been to the zoo so that should be fun. Oh well better go pack my lunch for work tomorrow :(
I woke up this morning and had a good upper body workout at the gym. My legs are still really sore from Tuesday's lower body workout. I came home from the gym ate and packed my lunch then headed off to work. That is where my day started going down hill. I screwed up a customer's order Monday, and long story short I am going to have to show up tomorrow morning for awhile to fix things. I hate making mistakes on orders and for the thousands of orders I write it doesn't happen all that often but when it does I hate it. After I get that order taken care of I am going to meet my Mom and her class at the zoo. It has been a couple of years since I have been to the zoo so that should be fun. Oh well better go pack my lunch for work tomorrow :(
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Day -33
Weight- 285lbs
Work was slow today, but I managed to make some money. I ate well today, and all my meals were pretty much right on time. Any more I feel kind of like a broken record most days when I journal, but things are going well so I guess why fix what isn't broken. After work I came home packed a meal for class and rested for a few minutes. Class was good tonight, the 4 hours go by fast. After class I came home changed and went to the gym. I tried to push myself I wanted to see how fast I could run a mile. I started out at 7mph and gradually sped up to 8mph unfortunately I didn't pace it right and pooped out around .80 miles. I slowed down and walked hills the rest of the way. I might have to rethink my pace for Saturday. I didn't think I had a great lower body workout last night, but my body is telling me something completely different today.
Work was slow today, but I managed to make some money. I ate well today, and all my meals were pretty much right on time. Any more I feel kind of like a broken record most days when I journal, but things are going well so I guess why fix what isn't broken. After work I came home packed a meal for class and rested for a few minutes. Class was good tonight, the 4 hours go by fast. After class I came home changed and went to the gym. I tried to push myself I wanted to see how fast I could run a mile. I started out at 7mph and gradually sped up to 8mph unfortunately I didn't pace it right and pooped out around .80 miles. I slowed down and walked hills the rest of the way. I might have to rethink my pace for Saturday. I didn't think I had a great lower body workout last night, but my body is telling me something completely different today.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Day -34
Weight- 285lbs
Don't really feel like writing just finished writing some papers for school so I am drained. The day went well my leg workout was pretty good not the best ever but decent. Eating was good today very consistent. I have all of my assignments done for class tomorrow which feels good, but I still have one chapter to read, I will probably read it tomorrow at lunch. Speaking of lunch time to go pack it!
Don't really feel like writing just finished writing some papers for school so I am drained. The day went well my leg workout was pretty good not the best ever but decent. Eating was good today very consistent. I have all of my assignments done for class tomorrow which feels good, but I still have one chapter to read, I will probably read it tomorrow at lunch. Speaking of lunch time to go pack it!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Day -35
Weight 285lbs
Today went really well I got alot accomplished. Work wasn't horribly busy but really productive which was nice. After work I came home took about a 10 minute nap read my Marketing book a little bit and then went to the gym. I had a good workout on the treadmill today almost made it 2 miles. After my workout I came home did some dishes and back to reading. I cooked dinner and then watched the final episode of Heroes. It was pretty good nothing earth shattering but good none the less. After Heroes I made some EFL egg casserole for breakfast the next few days and continued to read. I am really enjoying this book because it is interesting to me. I am guessing come December I will be sick of reading marketing books, but either way it is a nice change.
Today went really well I got alot accomplished. Work wasn't horribly busy but really productive which was nice. After work I came home took about a 10 minute nap read my Marketing book a little bit and then went to the gym. I had a good workout on the treadmill today almost made it 2 miles. After my workout I came home did some dishes and back to reading. I cooked dinner and then watched the final episode of Heroes. It was pretty good nothing earth shattering but good none the less. After Heroes I made some EFL egg casserole for breakfast the next few days and continued to read. I am really enjoying this book because it is interesting to me. I am guessing come December I will be sick of reading marketing books, but either way it is a nice change.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Day -36
Weight- 285lbs
I woke up this morning and went to church at 8am. After church I cam home and had a EFL pancake finished packing my lunch and went to work. Work was pretty slow at work so time went by slow. After work I cam home and changed for our softball game which we won. I had a pretty good game finished off the game with an in the park home run. Really it was a stand up triple but there was an error on the throw to 3rd so I went home. After softball I went to the gym and had one of the sorriest upper body workouts ever, but it felt so good. I was tired going in and made the best of it which gave me a great feeling afterwards. Time to eat one more meal then go to bed.
I woke up this morning and went to church at 8am. After church I cam home and had a EFL pancake finished packing my lunch and went to work. Work was pretty slow at work so time went by slow. After work I cam home and changed for our softball game which we won. I had a pretty good game finished off the game with an in the park home run. Really it was a stand up triple but there was an error on the throw to 3rd so I went home. After softball I went to the gym and had one of the sorriest upper body workouts ever, but it felt so good. I was tired going in and made the best of it which gave me a great feeling afterwards. Time to eat one more meal then go to bed.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Day -37
Weight 284lbs
Normally today would be my free day but I took my free day for the game on Tuesday so I finished my week today and will start a new one tomorrow. It has been a really good week for me as far as BFL goes I got a much needed day of slacking on Tuesday and still finished the week with great results. This morning I woke up late hit the snooze one too many times and quickly headed over to my brother's apartment to meet my parents and grandparents for his graduation. It was a nice but long ceremony, I was really excited for him to finally be done. Then we went to Rick's Boat Yard for Lunch I managed to find an item on the menu that pretty was pretty much BFL approved. Blackened Chicken Horseradish mashed potatoes and green beans. My eating the rest of the day was 100%. I came home rested for awhile and then went to the gym did a little cardio. After cardio I did some reading for my class. I finished the first 2 chapters three more to go by Wednesday. Tomorrow I will be doing my upper body workout after softball. I better go get some rest long day ahead of me.
P.S. Found out tonight that I got an A in my first class. One down 14 to go.
Normally today would be my free day but I took my free day for the game on Tuesday so I finished my week today and will start a new one tomorrow. It has been a really good week for me as far as BFL goes I got a much needed day of slacking on Tuesday and still finished the week with great results. This morning I woke up late hit the snooze one too many times and quickly headed over to my brother's apartment to meet my parents and grandparents for his graduation. It was a nice but long ceremony, I was really excited for him to finally be done. Then we went to Rick's Boat Yard for Lunch I managed to find an item on the menu that pretty was pretty much BFL approved. Blackened Chicken Horseradish mashed potatoes and green beans. My eating the rest of the day was 100%. I came home rested for awhile and then went to the gym did a little cardio. After cardio I did some reading for my class. I finished the first 2 chapters three more to go by Wednesday. Tomorrow I will be doing my upper body workout after softball. I better go get some rest long day ahead of me.
P.S. Found out tonight that I got an A in my first class. One down 14 to go.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Day -38
Weight 283lbs
Today was a very lazy day I did some reading for class and a little cooking for the week but that was about it. Of course I went to the gym this morning and did my lower body workout. It was really good, I like going to the gym and planning as I go. I have been changing my workout as much as I can. I have been integrating the stability ball in most of my workout which seems to help with variety. Tomorrow I am going to my brothers graduation so I better go wrap his present and head to bead.
Today was a very lazy day I did some reading for class and a little cooking for the week but that was about it. Of course I went to the gym this morning and did my lower body workout. It was really good, I like going to the gym and planning as I go. I have been changing my workout as much as I can. I have been integrating the stability ball in most of my workout which seems to help with variety. Tomorrow I am going to my brothers graduation so I better go wrap his present and head to bead.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Day -39
Weight- 284lbs
This morning I woke up and went to the gym to do my cardio, I tried to really push myself. This week I have been going back to BFL style cardio and have been doing it on the Elliptical. I have also been stretching after every workout which was a goal of mine. I came home and made some EFL Golden Pancakes and then got ready for work. I left a little early to day so I could stop by Men's Warehouse and have some adjustments made to my suit so I could wear it this weekend for my brothers graduation. It's kind of funny because 5 months ago I needed to have it let out a little and know its too big!
Work was great very busy, it was our one wild Thursday sale. It can be hectic when its call after call all day but usually the end result is a good one, and today was no exception. I came home had EFL BBQ chicken pizza and then watched some TV.
Tomorrow I want to get most of my homework done as well as work ahead on some Essays I need to write for my ELA program. School is making my life busy but I know it will be worth it in the end. Probably better get to bed it has been a long day.
This morning I woke up and went to the gym to do my cardio, I tried to really push myself. This week I have been going back to BFL style cardio and have been doing it on the Elliptical. I have also been stretching after every workout which was a goal of mine. I came home and made some EFL Golden Pancakes and then got ready for work. I left a little early to day so I could stop by Men's Warehouse and have some adjustments made to my suit so I could wear it this weekend for my brothers graduation. It's kind of funny because 5 months ago I needed to have it let out a little and know its too big!
Work was great very busy, it was our one wild Thursday sale. It can be hectic when its call after call all day but usually the end result is a good one, and today was no exception. I came home had EFL BBQ chicken pizza and then watched some TV.
Tomorrow I want to get most of my homework done as well as work ahead on some Essays I need to write for my ELA program. School is making my life busy but I know it will be worth it in the end. Probably better get to bed it has been a long day.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Day -40
So no journal for yesterday it was my free day for this week. Yesterday was kind of my present to myself that I had planned since the middle of my first 12 weeks. I took a half day off work and went down to Rosenblatt to watch Creighton vs. Nebraska. It was a great day, I smoked some ribs which everyone loved, and had some beers, ok lots of beers. This was the first time I have had a drink of any kind since early Feb. I needed yesterday a lot I have been so stressed lately with school and adjusting to my new schedule it was great to have no worries for most of the day. Plus the good guys won 9-2! I think I may have stumbled on to a new diet too, I dropped two pounds since yesterday! Probably water weight since I didn't drink much water yesterday. Today was as stressful as yesterday was relaxing. Of course I woke up w/ a hang over and couldn't work out so I made my lunch this morning and went to work which was fine no problems there but I had to finish a couple of things for my class after work. I was a couple minutes late for class but everything went ok. After class I came home and went to the gym I felt so much better when I got out of the gym even though it was late my stress kind of just melted away and I felt much better. The new class I am taking starting this week is basic Marketing management it is great to be studying what I am actually getting my degree in this should be more interesting at least. Gotta go eat one more meal and then off to bed.
So no journal for yesterday it was my free day for this week. Yesterday was kind of my present to myself that I had planned since the middle of my first 12 weeks. I took a half day off work and went down to Rosenblatt to watch Creighton vs. Nebraska. It was a great day, I smoked some ribs which everyone loved, and had some beers, ok lots of beers. This was the first time I have had a drink of any kind since early Feb. I needed yesterday a lot I have been so stressed lately with school and adjusting to my new schedule it was great to have no worries for most of the day. Plus the good guys won 9-2! I think I may have stumbled on to a new diet too, I dropped two pounds since yesterday! Probably water weight since I didn't drink much water yesterday. Today was as stressful as yesterday was relaxing. Of course I woke up w/ a hang over and couldn't work out so I made my lunch this morning and went to work which was fine no problems there but I had to finish a couple of things for my class after work. I was a couple minutes late for class but everything went ok. After class I came home and went to the gym I felt so much better when I got out of the gym even though it was late my stress kind of just melted away and I felt much better. The new class I am taking starting this week is basic Marketing management it is great to be studying what I am actually getting my degree in this should be more interesting at least. Gotta go eat one more meal and then off to bed.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Day -42
Weight- 289lbs
This is going to be short, I ate really well today and had a great cardio workout but I have been ultra busy with school and prepairing food and stuff for the Creighton Nebraska game tomorrow. I can't wait for tomorrow I took a half day for the game, and man do I need it.
This is going to be short, I ate really well today and had a great cardio workout but I have been ultra busy with school and prepairing food and stuff for the Creighton Nebraska game tomorrow. I can't wait for tomorrow I took a half day for the game, and man do I need it.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Day -43
Weight- 293lbs
Today went well but I am tired so it will be a short one. I beat my alarm this morning and went to the gym to do my lower body workout. It went really well my legs were shaking after I worked my quads. I used the stability ball against the wall while holding dumb ells. I liked it alot and I even used the stability ball to super set my hamstrings which was actually tougher than I thought it would be. Went to work it was dead because it was mothers day. So they let the moms in the department go home early which was nice. I hurried home and and then went to the softball field we lost 17-15 but it was a good game so that made it fun. Now bed, busy day tomorrow.
Today went well but I am tired so it will be a short one. I beat my alarm this morning and went to the gym to do my lower body workout. It went really well my legs were shaking after I worked my quads. I used the stability ball against the wall while holding dumb ells. I liked it alot and I even used the stability ball to super set my hamstrings which was actually tougher than I thought it would be. Went to work it was dead because it was mothers day. So they let the moms in the department go home early which was nice. I hurried home and and then went to the softball field we lost 17-15 but it was a good game so that made it fun. Now bed, busy day tomorrow.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Weight- 296lbs
I usually weigh myself in the morning, tonight after one of the most massive free days i have ever taken in I weighed myself and I am up 7lbs from the last time I weighed. lol! This is why
2 eggs over easy
3 slices of bacon
1 slice of toast w/ strawberry rhubarb jam
1 bowl of waffle crisp cereal w/ milk (one of the best cereals to ever grace a breakfast table)
1 glass of orange juice
Lunch (or as we call it on the farm Dinner)
5 meatballs (my favorite thanks Mom)
2 helpings of mashed potatoes and gravy
1 helping of green bean casserole
1 piece of Grandmas home made apple pie
2 scoops of butter pecan ice cream
2 white chocolate macadamia nut cookies
1 glass of milk
General Tao Chicken
1 Crab Rangoon
some cauliflower and brockley
Time to get back down to business! I think sometimes it takes a free day like that to really motivate you for the week, let me tell you what I am really motivated! Tomorrow will be my first workout on a Sunday should be interesting I will probably get up early and do it before work.
I usually weigh myself in the morning, tonight after one of the most massive free days i have ever taken in I weighed myself and I am up 7lbs from the last time I weighed. lol! This is why
2 eggs over easy
3 slices of bacon
1 slice of toast w/ strawberry rhubarb jam
1 bowl of waffle crisp cereal w/ milk (one of the best cereals to ever grace a breakfast table)
1 glass of orange juice
Lunch (or as we call it on the farm Dinner)
5 meatballs (my favorite thanks Mom)
2 helpings of mashed potatoes and gravy
1 helping of green bean casserole
1 piece of Grandmas home made apple pie
2 scoops of butter pecan ice cream
2 white chocolate macadamia nut cookies
1 glass of milk
General Tao Chicken
1 Crab Rangoon
some cauliflower and brockley
Time to get back down to business! I think sometimes it takes a free day like that to really motivate you for the week, let me tell you what I am really motivated! Tomorrow will be my first workout on a Sunday should be interesting I will probably get up early and do it before work.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Day -46
Weight 289lbs
This morning I got up early went to the gym and did lower body it was a really good workout. Workouts are going a lot quicker for me know that I am not bringing my workout sheets with me to the gym. I am right on the 1 min 2 min rotation which is nice. I came home had some EFL pancakes which I made w/ a scoop of whey they weren't bad that way they just were a little flat. Work was slow today but I made it out alive I went to HY-VEE after work and picked up some groceries to make the EFL Enchiladas from what I have heard they are very good so I can't wait. I will make them tomorrow on my day off. Off to bed!
This morning I got up early went to the gym and did lower body it was a really good workout. Workouts are going a lot quicker for me know that I am not bringing my workout sheets with me to the gym. I am right on the 1 min 2 min rotation which is nice. I came home had some EFL pancakes which I made w/ a scoop of whey they weren't bad that way they just were a little flat. Work was slow today but I made it out alive I went to HY-VEE after work and picked up some groceries to make the EFL Enchiladas from what I have heard they are very good so I can't wait. I will make them tomorrow on my day off. Off to bed!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Day -47
Weight- 288lbs
Today went really really well. We had our monthly meeting at work this morning so I had to go to work an hour early to attend. I had to speak at the meeting about the department intranet site that a co-worker and I put together. The day went by pretty fast and at the end of the day I got a great surprise. I had my quarterly review today and found out I did really well. I got moved to 120 as we call it at work which I have only had one other time. Basically it means that for the next four months my paychecks will be bumped up 20% from whatever they are. I am really pumped. After work I headed home and prepared for class. Class went well tonight I really like the format it makes thing go much quicker. Next week will be the last week for this current subject and then on to the next I need to get my next book this week! After class I headed to the gym and had a really good cardio work out I made it two miles which was my goal it is starting to get a little easier. I came home after and relaxed and had my last meal. Now time for bed I have a leg workout waiting for me in the morning.
Today went really really well. We had our monthly meeting at work this morning so I had to go to work an hour early to attend. I had to speak at the meeting about the department intranet site that a co-worker and I put together. The day went by pretty fast and at the end of the day I got a great surprise. I had my quarterly review today and found out I did really well. I got moved to 120 as we call it at work which I have only had one other time. Basically it means that for the next four months my paychecks will be bumped up 20% from whatever they are. I am really pumped. After work I headed home and prepared for class. Class went well tonight I really like the format it makes thing go much quicker. Next week will be the last week for this current subject and then on to the next I need to get my next book this week! After class I headed to the gym and had a really good cardio work out I made it two miles which was my goal it is starting to get a little easier. I came home after and relaxed and had my last meal. Now time for bed I have a leg workout waiting for me in the morning.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Day -48
Weight- 290lbs
Work went by really quickly today. I was putting out fires for the first half of the day but everything turned out pretty well and even made some money. I came home after work and went to the gym. I am sticking to the BFL workouts however I am doing them more freestyle. I want to come to the gym with a plan for my first set and plan my workout as I go the rest of the way. It worked really well today I finished in a timely manner and had a great workout. I have set new goals for the next seven weeks. I don't really like setting goals about weight even though they are in my head. I would rather set goals to dictate my performance which should in turn get me to the weight I want to be at.
1. Stretch every day. (something I really don't take the time to do enough)
2. Never repeat a lifting workout. (shock the body!)
3. Push myself past mental limits. (cardio mainly but lifting as well)
After I got back from the gym I came home finished my homework and watched some TV. Now I need to read my homework over again and email it to my professor.
Work went by really quickly today. I was putting out fires for the first half of the day but everything turned out pretty well and even made some money. I came home after work and went to the gym. I am sticking to the BFL workouts however I am doing them more freestyle. I want to come to the gym with a plan for my first set and plan my workout as I go the rest of the way. It worked really well today I finished in a timely manner and had a great workout. I have set new goals for the next seven weeks. I don't really like setting goals about weight even though they are in my head. I would rather set goals to dictate my performance which should in turn get me to the weight I want to be at.
1. Stretch every day. (something I really don't take the time to do enough)
2. Never repeat a lifting workout. (shock the body!)
3. Push myself past mental limits. (cardio mainly but lifting as well)
After I got back from the gym I came home finished my homework and watched some TV. Now I need to read my homework over again and email it to my professor.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Day -49
Weight- 290lbs
I am not done journaling as people on my blog and at bflnebraska.com read into my comments on Saturday. There is no way I would give this up it is part of what got me through my first 12 weeks. However I am going to change things up just slightly. This next seven weeks I am not going to post my food and my workouts on my blog. It became a chore for me the first 12 weeks and I need a break from that. However if I see myself slipping at all I will bring them back. I will still keep track of my workouts on paper for my own records. Today went really well Just like any other BFL day really. I ate six good meals no shakes, all meals and I am going to do that for a couple of days until I can think of a good carb to add to my whey protein shakes. It will have to be something I can eat on the side because I don't have a blender at work. I just don't feel like spending the money on Myoplex when I have 10lbs of whey collecting dust on my fridge. I have decided to switch my free days to Saturday so I can enjoy them. So Sunday will really be my first day of the week from now on. I came home and went directly to the gym and did a fitness test on the treadmill. I want to compare my results at the end of this seven weeks and see how much I improve. The machine basically shuts down when your pulse gets over 150 something. It shut down on me at 11 minutes it worked me up to a 10 incline at 6.5mph. I walked for another 10 minutes or so and then did abs because I just kind of felt like doing abs I guess. I came home ate a meal and did homework on and off the rest of the night I will have a little bit left to do tomorrow and then back to class on Wednesday to get some more!
I am not done journaling as people on my blog and at bflnebraska.com read into my comments on Saturday. There is no way I would give this up it is part of what got me through my first 12 weeks. However I am going to change things up just slightly. This next seven weeks I am not going to post my food and my workouts on my blog. It became a chore for me the first 12 weeks and I need a break from that. However if I see myself slipping at all I will bring them back. I will still keep track of my workouts on paper for my own records. Today went really well Just like any other BFL day really. I ate six good meals no shakes, all meals and I am going to do that for a couple of days until I can think of a good carb to add to my whey protein shakes. It will have to be something I can eat on the side because I don't have a blender at work. I just don't feel like spending the money on Myoplex when I have 10lbs of whey collecting dust on my fridge. I have decided to switch my free days to Saturday so I can enjoy them. So Sunday will really be my first day of the week from now on. I came home and went directly to the gym and did a fitness test on the treadmill. I want to compare my results at the end of this seven weeks and see how much I improve. The machine basically shuts down when your pulse gets over 150 something. It shut down on me at 11 minutes it worked me up to a 10 incline at 6.5mph. I walked for another 10 minutes or so and then did abs because I just kind of felt like doing abs I guess. I came home ate a meal and did homework on and off the rest of the night I will have a little bit left to do tomorrow and then back to class on Wednesday to get some more!
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Day 83

Weight- 290
So today is really the last day of my 12 weeks I don't think I can screw up my free day tomorrow. The journey has been great and went by in a flash! This will probably be my last entry in this journal. My new focus is seven weeks of training to be in good shape to rock out my second official challenge come June 25th. I am hoping to lose about 2olbs in the next seven weeks and start my second official challenge at about 270 and around 22 or 23% body fat. I have come along way so far, but I still have a long way to go! I need to keep my focus for this 7 week challenge. To do so I need to see this not as a 7 week challenge but more as a 19 week challenge to get me into championship form by September. I want to thank my Mom and Jon who have been very supportive of me throughout this challenge by posting on my blog and Jon helping me with my workouts. Also much thanks is due to my friends at bflnebraska.com you have all been very supportive and really carried me through the 12 weeks.
Friday, May 4, 2007
Day 82

Weight- 290lbs YAHTZEE!
This morning I ate breakfast and went downtown to my appointment with the Creighton exercise science dept to do my water weighing. Unfortunately my blood pressure was right at the limit (148/90) they have set to do water weighing she thought it was possibly because I had just drank some coffee. So I just opted for the skin fold test. Turns out I am at 28% which is roughly a 10% loss and about where I expected to be. The only thing I am disappointed with is that I didn't really make any gains in muscle, strength yes but not much muscle. So if any one has any ideas for my next challenge let me know! I went home after that did some laundry and waited for my brother to come and take my pictures. When he arrived he helped me do a little "manscaping" on my back and then we took the pictures. I was soooo... surprised not so much about my front pictures but my back pictures were really improved from week 9. I always read how past participants and champions saw such great results in their last couple weeks I just didn't think it was going to happen for me, and it did. After we got the pictures taken I ate lunch, then my brothers wife stopped over and we went to see Spiderman, it wasn't the best but it was a good afternoon. After the movie my brother and I went to Sam's club I had to pick up a few things I thought I would kill two birds w/ one stone and print my pictures to send in w/ my packet on Monday. When we were leaving I realized that Gold's closes at 10pm on Friday so I wouldn't be able to do my lower body workout. I came home and decided I could make it in time to do my cardio for tomorrow so Saturday will have to be lower body. By far the best day of my 12 weeks. Today I felt like the STEAMROLLER!
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