Saturday, February 24, 2007

Day 13

Weight- 318lbs

You would normally think that 13 would be an unlucky number, however today I passed the biggest challenge for me as of yet. I was not in places during the day that I had access to good food but I made it through the day getting in all of my meals and workout. I met my parents at my aunts house today and my Dad and headed down to the Omaha Boat, Sports, and Travel show at the Qwest Center. Then back to my aunts house to visit for a while then back downtown for the Creighton game at 4:00 I didn't even schedule my meals last night I just knew I would have to get them in when I could get them in and I did which is good.

Ok, back tracking a little to my workout this morning. I really had to mentally struggle through my work out from minute 6 on. When I do the Stair mill I choose the speed minute to minute so I can get the intervals that work for me. I am in control and no one is pushing me but me. In high school I had coaches that pushed me to that 9 or ten now I am my own coach and it is a lot tougher to push yourself than it is to be pushed by someone else. By minute 9 I tried to convince my self to start the next interval at a 5 and peak at an 8. By minute 16 I was telling myself just three tough minutes left you can do it. Half way through minute 18 I was thinking about quiting there and going back down to a 5 to finish up. You can imagine how long minute 19 was for me it was probably the longest minute I have ever experienced, but it made minute 20 and the rest of the day so much sweeter!

Last week I felt pretty guilty about the free day but as of right now I am looking forward to it. This week was full of little battles and I won every single one and now tomorrow I am going to reward myself. I have lost 12 pounds and even better I can tell a noticeable difference when I look in the mirror. I am over half way to my first months goal!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Day 12

Weight 320lbs
Alright day 12 went by pretty fast as I said yesterday I was going to be pretty busy today. My work out went pretty good I am consistently hitting 10's on my quads which is good, however I am having a tough time hitting it on my hamstrings. Because of my knees I am limited as to what exercises I can do. I am working on getting the form down for straight leg dead lifts because I think that might be the answer for me.

This evening I went to Espana in Benson to celebrate my friend Maggie's birthday. I got by with just a half glass of champagne for the toast. The food there looked really good if you've never been I would recommend it. (On a free day of course) Well tomorrow ends week 2 can't wait.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Day 11

Weight 321lbs

Well today will be a short post I am tired and have a pretty big day tomorrow. This morning's work out on the stair master was really good if I didn't end on a 10 then I don't know what a 10 is. I was huffin' and puffin' and my legs were really burning, it sucks when your doing it but once you get off you feel like you have really accomplished something! Well off to bed I will post more tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Day 10


Today was a pretty good day. I set my alarm for 5:15pm intead of 5:15am but managed to wake up at 6 am then it took me about 20 mins to convince myself to go work out in the morning like planned. It was quite an argument between myself. One side of me kept saying nice warm bed, the other side said less people at the gym better time to workout. The workout went pretty good, I am definately feeling it in my shoulders and biceps. I am working out a little slow but that will pick up with time. It's nice that I am starting to feel excited about my workouts. Even though I am tired I'm already looking forward to my workout tomorrow. Well, off to bed...

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Day 9

Weight- 322lbs

So last night I had a horrible nights sleep maybe I should have layed off the coffee at 7 pm. Oh well. I got up a half hour late but still managed to get my workout in before work. It was definitely a good one too I hit the Stair Master/Stair Mill whatever you want to call it pretty hard. I didn't exactly follow the correct intervals however. Instead of dropping down to a 6 intensity after peaking out at 9 I kept going down to a 5 level and then working back up. Either way I was dead after 20 minutes so it went OK. I am excited for tomorrow I really enjoy doing upper body because I can push myself a lot harder than I can during my lower body work outs because of my knees. I think I am going to try to lift in the morning tomorrow I want to gradually get all of my workouts in the morning, I am just not a morning person.

One week left of classes at Metro and then on to Bellevue in April I am starting to get excited. I know that when that time comes I will need to really buckle down and study. This is something that my pose as a roadblock for my BFL Challenge I need to make time in other place of my life for the extra studying and not use it as an excuse to stop working out.

Tonight was kind of a rough night for me as Creighton lost to one of the worst teams in the Missouri Valley Conference, Illinois State. Chances are if they are going to get in the NCAA tournament they will have to win the Mo Valley Tournament.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Day 8

Weight- 326lbs

Day 8... One week down 11 to go. (for this time around at least) Today was a really good day I was feeling kind of down about my free day, as if I was cheating the system somehow but really it's apart of the system. I woke up walked out side and it felt like 60 degrees, it was actually around 38 but much better than what we have been dealing with. Eating went really well today it actually felt good to get back on the "program." Work out at the gym today went pretty well I am still not hitting the hamstrings 100% but I will get there. On the other hand I really hit the Quads hard today on the sled. I got to the point I couldn't even finish 70lbs on leg ext. I think I have figured I need to readjust my weight on calves and not go up so drastically weight wise with each set and focus more on form because I am feeling it more on the lower weights than I am on the upper weights. Abs went ok I did them on the floor today because the rollers were full I seem to get I much better burn on the rollers but it's a marathon not a sprint, and the good thing is I do them again to end the week so I will have a chance to redeem myself.

Last night I was poking around on the Internet and found a great forum for people living the Body For Life program and it happens to be based in Nebraska. So I decided to introduce myself and pick some of the brains of the people who have been doing BFL for awhile. Well turns out they were having a meeting today and Jim (one of the moderators of the board) invited me to the meeting at Starbucks. I'll be honest I was a little leery he obviously seemed like a really nice guy but I've never been into the meeting type a thing. On the surface it seemed a little weight watchery, but I thought hey what do I have to loose? So after my work out I had my shake and headed down to Starbucks grabbed a coffee and kept my eye out for Jim. Well he showed up just a couple minutes after I did with his wife Tonia who also started out on BFL. It was really nice to talk to the both of them get an idea on expectations, intensity levels and such. Quickly seven O'clock turned to nine O'clock and it seemed as though we were only there for half and hour. I thought a couple of times surely these people will want to get back home to Lincoln but I kept asking questions and they kept sharing their experiences they were very gracious to take that much time out of their day for a complete stranger. I think just like Jon and my Mom who have been behind me the whole way they will be another piece of the puzzle that will get me to the 12 week finish line and beyond. In fact they sent me home with some great items one which I will put to use right away. They gave me a 4 disc DVD set that includes Body of Work which they described as life changing, Body for life success stories1 and 2 and How to Body For Life. I would like to thank both of them for all the help they have given me in the two short hours they spent with me today and look forward to getting to know them better along with all the other vets of the Thanks again and onward to day 9...

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Day 7

Today was probably the worst day I felt like I was sneaking around or something. As good as Jason's Deli and Peanut butter chicken tasted I didn't feel good about eating it. I guess it will really motivate me for tomorrows work out! Can't wait for day 8.