Weight- 278lbs
This morning I woke up and worked on my homework a little and then went to the mall before my brother came over to my house. We ran some errands and then came back to my house and took pictures for my count down challenge I am pretty happy with the results. I can see a big improvement in my face, chest, and my upper back (you can just start to see my shoulder blades.) I was contemplating the improvement that I made in my first 12 weeks and can't wait to see how big of a transformation I make in the next 12 weeks.
After we took pictures we headed down town to Barry O's to meet some friends and go to the CWS my brother and I bought a couple tickets from a regular there 4th row up on the left field line for face value. It was kind of a blow out, but still a fun game none the less. I think living in Omaha I take for granted the fact that this was the first game for the Baseball National Championship. It really cool when you think about it. I wanted to go out to the bars but I needed to come home early and cook for tomorrow. Speaking of which I better go check my chicken on the grill.
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