Saturday, June 23, 2007

Day -1

Weight- 278lbs

This morning I woke up and worked on my homework a little and then went to the mall before my brother came over to my house. We ran some errands and then came back to my house and took pictures for my count down challenge I am pretty happy with the results. I can see a big improvement in my face, chest, and my upper back (you can just start to see my shoulder blades.) I was contemplating the improvement that I made in my first 12 weeks and can't wait to see how big of a transformation I make in the next 12 weeks.

After we took pictures we headed down town to Barry O's to meet some friends and go to the CWS my brother and I bought a couple tickets from a regular there 4th row up on the left field line for face value. It was kind of a blow out, but still a fun game none the less. I think living in Omaha I take for granted the fact that this was the first game for the Baseball National Championship. It really cool when you think about it. I wanted to go out to the bars but I needed to come home early and cook for tomorrow. Speaking of which I better go check my chicken on the grill.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Day -2

Weight- 277lbs

This morning i got up went to the gym and did my last cardio workout before I start my next official challenge. It went pretty well considering the first 4 treadmills I got on either the Tv or the display was not working. Everybody at the gym probably thinks I am just real picky about which treadmill I am on. I had a great 10 today I finished running at a 15% incline at about 5.5 mph. Then I stretched and went home. I came home ate and worked on some homework then went to the pool for a couple of hours. I came in and ate around 3 and my brother and sister in law came over a little latter to go to the pool but unfortunately it started raining. Tomorrow I planning an amazing free day that may involve 6 meal, and none of them will be good. One last hurrah before the my next challenge. I can't wait!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Day -3

Weight 277lbs

I had a really good upper body work out at the gym this morning. I did the fly machine for chest and dumbell press as my superset and boy was I burning after that. I came home ate breakfast and watched some TV then went to work. My brother called me at work and I think we are going to go to the CWS on Saturday. Tomorrow though is all about doing homework and laying by the pool, maybe not in that specific order. Tomorrow night I think I will go to Paulie's, it is a hole in the wall 50 weeks out of the year, but during the CWS they build a fence around the entire bar's property and it is a huge party. I tried to get a hold of the lady at Creighton to do my Body fat % for me, no luck, it might have to happen next week. If I maintained the 209lbs of muscle then I am probably at about 25% at my current BF. Tomorrow is my last workout for this challenge countdown and I am really excited to start on Monday. I have been thinking, even though I know I will be happy being at 15% BF I may just do a 3rd challenge and try and get down to single digits. Hmmmm... maybe I should just worry about my second one first.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Day -4

Weight- 279lbs

This morning was my first day below the 280's (that I know of I didn't weigh last weekend) It is always nice to see new numbers. I went to the gym and did my incline walking got my heart rate up to about 162bpm on a 30 degree incline to finish out at a 10. Work was pretty good today, I had a new E-commerce training with me for most of the day. At the end of the day I had him do the product searches while I took the call so he could get used to our computer system. He's new so it was a little frustrating for me because what I could find in seconds took him minutes, but I was there one time too and I actually made a couple of sales with him writing them up so that was cool. After work I came home and met my Mom before class she brought over a couple of shirts and a pair of shorts that she found on sale this weekend for me which was very nice. I didn't know at first about the shorts they look a little girly but I think they will work out alright. They are like long jogging pants cut offs very comfortable, I am wearing them right now in fact. Then off to class, class was class, there were a lot of people missing probably because it was so nice out and the CWS is in town. Well tomorrow is Upper body and I am excited for a really good workout. I forgot to call Creighton today about my BF% test I guess I will have to do that tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Day -5

Weight 282lbs

This will be a short one I just finished up my homework and don't feel like writing much. It has been such a long day I almost can't remember my workout this morning. I went to the gym around 6am and did a LBW, not one of my best but not a bad one. I came home checked my email and got ready for work. Work was pretty slow again but sometimes it's nice when it isn't so hectic. After I got off my Mom came in to do a little shopping so I helped her out for awhile then headed home. When I came home I ate my 5th meal, worked on my homework and reading, and squeezed in another meal. Tomorrow I need to call Creighton to see if they can check my BF% on Friday or Saturday. I hope I am down to at least 25% or so we will see I guess.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Day -6

Weight- 284lbs

I woke up this morning and hit the gym did a little HIIT cardio, then went home and got ready for work. Surprisingly my upper body is not all that sore I really expected to be hurting. It is kind of funny how that works. Sometimes you think you didn't get in a good work out and your dieing the next day, then sometimes you think you had the best workout ever and you don't feel anything. Work started out busy and then kind of tapered off. After work I came home did some homework and watched some TV. I am really starting to get excited for my next official stating in less than a week. My second class ended Wednesday and I got my grades back, I got another A. I am just expecting the grading to get tougher soon hopefully I can keep it up for a year. Well I better go pack my meals for tomorrow I need to go to bed I plan on getting up early for my LBW tomorrow.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Day -7

Weight- Unknown

It is good to be back to posting after a couple of days off. I went back to the farm this weekend to work on tearing down one of our barns. We got a lot accomplished. There were a ton of antique tools and things that we removed to save we also took down the cupola and lightning rods, as well as the large door that they used to open to put hay in the loft. We were planing on bringing the whole thing down, but didn't have the right equipment to do it safely. So we will do that in the middle of July sometime.

I had a great LBW at my old highschool on Friday. It was so hot in there and no fans I thought about opening a window but working up a good sweat was kind of fun in a sick sort of way. I tried to push my legs to failure on squats like planned, but didn't quite get there. However I got pretty dang close, and my legs are crying today.

I woke up this morning and drove back from Iowa for work at 10 it was dreadfully slow due to the CWS and Fathers day so our manager let all the fathers go home around 2. After work my brother and sister-in-law stopped by to say hi and give me a gift. I had been talking about how cool it would be if they had a candle that smelled like fresh cut grass. Jessica told me they had them at Target. Of course I completely forgot to go pick one up, but they got one for me and it's great!

After they left I went to the gym and had a really great UBW and will be very sore tomorrow! Even though my weight isn't going down by leaps and bounds I definately notice a difference in my BF, during this time between challenges I have lost alot in my chest and gut. I also noticed my calves in the mirror on friday and they are starting to show some good definition. Slowly but surely I am getting there.

I have most of my major cooking done for the first part of the week and am ready pretty much for bed. I will wake up early again tomorrow and do my cardio before work.