Saturday, March 10, 2007

Day 27

Weight- 313lbs
Ok so I didn't have time to check that I didn't really make time to post so here it is today. Day 27 was very busy and full of ups and downs. I went and worked out the treadmill earlier in the morning. Before my work out I got my body fat checked using a electronic tester which can obviously have a margin of error. The only thing I know for sure is that I lost 17lbs scale weight in the first 4 weeks. According to the body fat tester I only lost 2% body fat down to 33% which would mean I lost 4.5lbs muscle on top of 12.5lbs fat which is not true. My biceps are bigger my legs are tighter. It really doesn't matter it just was very disappointing because I was hoping to find hard numbers to tell me how I did compared to my first 4 weeks goal. So now I need to go somewhere this week to get my body fat checked accurately with callipers. So I know that I hit my goal for the second 4 weeks. The rest of the day was spent helping move my buddy Bryan's girlfriend to her new house. Then that night I went bowling w/ my brother and his buddies in Council Bluffs. Little did I know they were planning on bowling till 2am ie 3am due to the time change.

Day 26

Weight- 315lbs
Ok so today went pretty well nothing much to report, tomorrow however should be interesting I have to help my buddy move. Which means two rounds of cardio :). I will also have to sneak meals in here and there between moving. Leg workout went good today, is bad when you smile through your second to last set of leg press because its burning so much?? I know, sick isn't it, but trust me I was not smiling on my last set. Pictures for everyone to view tomorrow not guarantying the cover of fitness magazine but I will guarantee progress.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Day 25

Weight- 316lbs

Ok glad to finally see the scale weight move! If I am going to hit my goals I figure I need to be at 315lbs by Sunday that is unless I gain 7lbs of muscle instead of 5 ;). Today was good I ate really well, actually I still have 1 more scheduled meal left. I will probably eat a 7th meal today because I am going the the midnight showing of 300 and wouldn't want to ruin the day with some popcorn and nachos at the theater. I am really really sore from yesterdays work out hitting 1o's on all of my muscle groups, chest is really sore, biceps are sore, triceps are sore, even my back is sore which never happens. Can't believe that that is my last upper body work out of the first four weeks. Time to shock the muscles on Monday with a new routine. Jon, start putting something together for me. Another good sign of the progress thus far is the fact that I will be needing a new belt soon. My belt has seven notches when I started I used the fourth notch now I am down to the last one! One leg workout and cardio session left on my and then pictures and body fat percentages can't wait!!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Day 24


Well, I am half way through the week and feel like a kid before Christmas. I can't wait to see what I have accomplished thus far when I check my Body Fat on Sunday. Hopefully I don't unwrap my present and find tube socks! Any improvement still puts me ahead of where I was just 4 short weeks ago. Today i stumbled a little. I bought some Girl scout cookies a couple of months ago from a lady at work, well my box came in today. That dang thing just kept staring me down sitting on my desk, I had to have one. Luckily I stopped at one! But I punished myself for it at the gym . I upped some of my weights mid workout which will probably burn, plus I decided to walk on the treadmill for a couple minutes to "burn off the cookie" I found out something new about these free motion treadmills today. I thought they only went to a 15 incline, nope that just half way, they go all the way up to a 30 incline! So I walked 10 minutes between a 20 and 30 incline it was kind of fun. When it is level like pictured the console comes up to about my belly button, at full 30 incline my knees hit the console, pretty cool good workout too.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Day 23

Weight 319lbs
I woke up too late to workout this morning so I had to go after work. Tomorrow I will not wake up late. Work was interesting I got there at 8am and left around 10:45 for what I thought was going to be a cancer charity luncheon but actually it was a UNO womens athletics Luncheon. Luckily the menu was pretty healthy. Salad, Lean Steak, Roasted Potatos, and mixed Vegetables.
After the lunch we listened to Professional golfer Nancy Lopez talk about how she got her start. A few things that she said really left an impression on me. When her father got her started golfing, he simply told her, "Nancy every time you swing hit the ball." This is something that I think can be applied to BFL as well as many other areas in life. Craig, just eat well, and train hard. How simple! If I do those two things everything else will fall into place. That and get rest which I am having a tough time with. Going to bed late again tonight.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Day 22

Weight- 319lbs

Day 1 of week 4 I have been contemplating a lot about where I think I am and where I will finish this 12 weeks. I am really getting excited for the end of this week to see where I am at. Today went well, I got all of my meals in and had a pretty good workout. Tomorrow should be interesting, the head of my dept. at work asked me to go to a Charity luncheon, with the key note speaker being Nancy Lopez. Should be fun. I left my 3rd meal open because I don't know what will be served hopefully it will be something I can work with. I am not however going to snub the meal all together I believe she paid $55 per plate for this lunch, it would be pretty rude if I didn't eat. Well, I said I was going to bed at 9:30 better getting going it's 9:32.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Day 21

Weight- Unknown

Today I ate pretty healthy I ate 5 good meals and had just a small rack of ribbletts to end the day. Jon commented about my rest, and he probably is right. I am getting more rest than before I started the contest but probably not enough! So this week I am going to try to be in bed by 9:30... Well starting tomorrow I still have to cook food for tomorrow. Tomorrow begins week 4 and as I mentioned yesterday I am planning to really push it hard this week for some big first month results. Wow I am a 1/4 of the way there just realized that!