Saturday, June 9, 2007

Day -16

Weight 280lbs

What a great day! We went to Beaver Lake to celebrate my Aunt and Uncle's 40th wedding anniversary at their daughter-in-laws family's lake home. It was a beautiful day we and a lot of fun. Most of my Mom's side hadn't seen me since I started BFL and all noticed a huge difference in my appearance. I don't think the compliments ever get old :) they kind of fuel the fire. They were probably wondering how I lost all the weight considering all I did was eat today(Free day) lol. I am so tired it is amazing how tired you get from just lounging around in the sun all day, really zaps ya. I will get a good nights sleep tonight!

Tomorrow will be a busy one. I plan on getting up early and going to the gym, then going to church right after, then on to work. After work I have a softball game. I am excited for this week, I will keep the intensity up at the gym and hopefully keep moving the scale in the right direction. I am starting to catch my brother which will make a fun competition for both of us! Right now he is sitting at about 275lbs I think.

Day -17


I woke up and went to the gym around 9 today and did cardio. The work out was good HIIT incline cardio. After the gym I went to Jensen tire where one of my friends works and dropped off my car. My sister-in-law Jessica picked me up and took back to my house. I told her I was glad that she picked me up because I didn't want this to be the first time I took a cab before midnight. If you are reading this Jessica, thank you for doing that. When I got back home I ate did a little homework and watched TV. Around 4:30 I got call from Jensen Tire saying my car was done. So I called my friend Jon and he picked me up and took me down there. We got there the guy explained the charges and I gave him my bank card to pay. It came back declined, because I have a $600 daily spending limit on the card and the bill was like $609. Luckily I have really good friends, before I could even call my bank Jon just offered to pay for it for me. So he came to my house after and I just wrote him a check. It is so nice to have the piece of mind that my tire isn't going to just blow at any minute. I also had the exhaust fixed which had been rumbling for a couple weeks now, so it is really nice that it is back to being silent.

Later on in the evening Jon and couple of my other friends and I went down to check out taste of Omaha. It is basically a carnival type atmosphere down by the river, highlighting many of the restaurants food from around the Omaha area. In other words it is a bunch of booze and really good food. I did manage to find something I could eat. Chicken Kabobs, just chicken on a stick. It didn't bother me not being able to eat or drink what did bother me a little was my friends asking me are you sure you don't want any? There is just so many times a guy can get tempted before he caves, but I didn't so that was good. We went to a bar downtown later that night and then I drove Brad's Jeep back to his place because I was the only one sober. They will owe me a few DD's come September. Overall a very good night but it is 2am time for bed.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Day -18

Weight- 281lbs

I am really feeling good now that I have gone back to drinking 2 Myoplexes a day, I feel like I have more energy. I went to the gym this morning after my meeting and did my upper body workout. My workout was really intense broke into a good sweat. I did forget to stretch, but still a good workout. Work was hectic today, two people were in Vegas and one person had a family member die so we were really short. We were slammed all day long which was good in a way because there was plenty of money to be made. I came home after work and my room mate was half way into the BFL book and probably will finish it tonight. He was asking me a lot of questions about it and I believe will be doing the official 12 week challenge with me starting June 25th. I think the possibility of helping someone through a challenge start to finish and seeing their results will be more rewarding then making it through it myself. I am so excited for June 25th I can't even stand it. More importantly I am really excited for September 16th!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Day -19

Weight- 280lbs

Today started off with a bang when I stepped on the old scale. It looks like tightening up my food and bringing up my intensity is paying off, lesson learned. The lessons I learn from this program are invaluable and just like life if you learn from your lessons and try not to make them again you become a better person. I went to the gym before work and did incline cardio on the treadmill again. I came home waited and hour before eating breakfast and then went to work. After work I came home had a Myoplex and then went to class. Class went by pretty fast, this program is just plain fast paced. I am sure in December I will be wishing it was over though. Tomorrow I am going to make an appointment for my car at Jensen Tire I will drop it off in the morning then my brother is going to pick me up and give me a ride home. We will pick it up on Saturday morning before going to my aunt and uncles anniversary party. Well I have a meeting early tomorrow so I better get to bed.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Day -21

Weight- 284lbs

Today went well I woke up early and went to the gym. I have decided to go back to the basics. I have given up on my "distance" running for awhile and am going back to BFL style cardio. Today I walked inclines between 15-30%. It really got my heart rate going around 145 or so at the higher inclines. I came home showered ate breakfast and went to work. Work was really slow, but it ended up to be an alright day. I came home did a little cleaning and laundry then worked on a little homework. I am going to pack my lunch and then go to bed early so I can get up early and work the legs. My workout yesterday proved to be pretty good. My chest, triceps, and biceps are really sore today!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Day -22

Weight unknown

Work was ok today slow but I still managed to squeeze out a few sales. After work I went to my cousins high school graduation party. It was good to see some of my family there. After I came home changed and went to the gym. I had the most intense workout that I have had since my official challenge ended. I focused on my lifts and that was it. That is how intense I plan to stay all the way through September. I realized today for the past couple weeks I have lost my intensity and focus. Now it is back to stay, its time I get back to steam roller mode. I ate well today and went back to drinking two Myoplexes. Tomorrow I am going to get up early to do cardio on an empty stomach. I am excited for the next 3 weeks leading up to my next official challenge.