Weight 319lbs
I woke up too late to workout this morning so I had to go after work. Tomorrow I will not wake up late. Work was interesting I got there at 8am and left around 10:45 for what I thought was going to be a cancer charity luncheon but actually it was a UNO womens athletics Luncheon. Luckily the menu was pretty healthy. Salad, Lean Steak, Roasted Potatos, and mixed Vegetables.
After the lunch we listened to Professional golfer Nancy Lopez talk about how she got her start. A few things that she said really left an impression on me. When her father got her started golfing, he simply told her, "Nancy every time you swing hit the ball." This is something that I think can be applied to BFL as well as many other areas in life. Craig, just eat well, and train hard. How simple! If I do those two things everything else will fall into place. That and get rest which I am having a tough time with. Going to bed late again tonight.
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