Today was probably the worst day I felt like I was sneaking around or something. As good as Jason's Deli and Peanut butter chicken tasted I didn't feel good about eating it. I guess it will really motivate me for tomorrows work out! Can't wait for day 8.
I love the fact that Bill and you are going head to head... in fact I know that you will probably win... actually you will crush him and when that is done you will eat him.
I was reading your posts the other day and I am wondering if you have been feeling tired and having trouble sleeping. If this seems to be the norm lately we might need to increase you caloric intake just to get you body more acquainted to the new system.
I'm not sure if you know this off hand, but knowing your calories you eat pure day can really help contribute to stopping this problem (the feeling tired and sleeping)... if there is one.
Anyways, talk to you later about this
PS It’s good to see you drinking water when you go out, given the alcohol consumption of our friends on a weekend basis.
PSS additionally know I don’t have to worry about you knocking me out when you playfully punch me… I don’t think you know how hard you hit when you tapping someone!
I should really proof read what i right, sorry about all the errors above
see even "right" should be "write"
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