Weight- 294
Today was a very busy day and I am proud to say that I got all of my meals in plus a 7th! I woke up this morning and went to the dermatologist, not that anyone cares to know but I have been having a dry skin problem just on the inside of my ears. He prescribed some salve and I headed home. I got home ate a couple of meals and then went to the bookstore in Bellevue to get a book for my class. I purchased the book online unfortunately the guy I bought it from on Ebay wasn't getting back to me to let me know when he shipped it and I needed to get some homework done for my class on Wednesday. I decided I would just have to get another one and sell one of them on Ebay because I can't fall behind. When I got back I grabbed my mail there was a note saying I had a package in the office. It was my book. How ironic is that? If I would have just procrastinated like I usually do I wouldn't have had to make the trip to get the other book. So I called the bookstore and asked them if I could return it. They said I could but would have to do it today. So I drove back to Bellevue and returned it before the store closed. What a waste! I drove 80 miles for a book that I didn't need. When I got back the second time I drank a Myoplex and threw some laundry in the wash then got ready to work out. Before I went to the gym I threw my stuff in the dryer and went on my merry way. The gym was great today, it started off with a bang. I upped all of my weights because everything felt pretty light on Monday. I started off with Decline bench. After I got done with my third set 8 at 175lbs I realized I needed to bump the next set of 6 at 185 up some because I just wasn't feeling it. I debated and then decided to take a really big jump up to 225. I found some one to spot me and knocked it out with no help. My spotter said man you probably had two left in you. I though yeah I did. I was just so surprised that I quit right after 6. Then after that I though I can't go down to 160 for my next set so I put on 185. Found the guy who spotted me again and pumped up 12 with just a little struggle on that set. That was the most excited I have ever been to not hit a 10 on a workout ever. For my last upper body workout of the challenge I am going to go 155,185,225,250, and then super set. If I can do that even with help I will be really happy! This last week has been great for my upper body I am seeing gains like no other. After I got done at the gym I came home folded some laundry ate and then got ready to go out. One of my friends was in town from Florida for a wedding. So I met her and all of my other friends down town it was a really good time. Especially since I had a water drinking buddy, thanks Jon. We got bored at the bar we were at and walked up the street to another bar to have a water. Never thought I would ever go bar hopping for water lol. Then I drove home ate another small meal and that brings us to the present, time for bed.
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