Thursday, April 19, 2007

Day 67


Ok I am tired so this will be short and sweet. Eating was great today, I was close to my two mile goal today made it to 1.7miles but still happy it was a good workout. The End

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You’re progressing very nicely as always. I have to admit that you’re one of the few people who can full bore it to the extent you have with this training. The only times I trained about as consistently as hard at the level you have for the same amount of time frame is when I was trying out for my job. So kudos to you Craig, because the degree of conviction that you have brought to the table is not easy to muster up but it is definitely worth it for both the short and long term basis.

More importantly, the fact that you see this as a lifestyle and more than a competition of a short time frame is possible that greatest achievement you can possibly ever have.

As your reports (as well as pictures show) you've lost 30 lbs, so next time your in the gym take a moment and pick up a 30 lbs dumbbell. Hold it for a second and realize that the new you is holding up the old you and the tomorrow you will be holding a lot heavier you when the time comes to pick yourself up.

Your buddy
