Weight-305lbs (day 48)
Day 46
This will probably be my longest post yet because it includes 4 days. Day 46 I went to the gym early in the morning and had a good workout on the Incline treadmill. Then I went home packed to go back home to Iowa for the weekend. I ate well that day no mishaps. On my lunch at work I had an hour so I went to Borders and picked up Eating for Life. Great book a lot of great recipes, I was a little disappointed with some of the recipes though, I already know how to make a turkey sandwich! I got to my parents around 11 ate my final meal and watched some TV then headed to bed.
Day 47
I woke up and went back to the weight room I spent many an early morning lifting while in high school. I had to modify my workout a little because they don't have all the equipment I needed but still had a really good workout it was really fun to be back in that room "pumping iron" I really wish I had the extra money to buy them some new equipment the weight room is starting to get a little dilapidated. I had a good day eating I tried two of the EFL recipes. The egg casserole which I think I will start making on a weekly basis because I can make one pan that will last me almost the whole week. I also made the barbecue chicken pita pizza, it was so good I felt like I was cheating! After my workout the rest of my day was all about hurry up and wait. The seed corn dealer was supposed to deliver some seed at 9:30 by 11 I was done waiting. So my Grandpa and I headed to a neighboring town where our grain cart was being worked on and took it from the welding shop (my fault) to the implement dealer to get turn signals put on it. The rest of the day was pretty laid back just kind of hung out.
Day 48
Saturday was my parents birthday, I started the day off with a run on the gravel roads, it was pretty sloppy but nice to go on my first run outside, in a long time and when I say long time I mean looonnngg time. I almost made it up the first hill and had to start walking up the rest of the say made it to the point where I was going to turn around and walked a little more up the hill then ran the rest of the say going back down the first hill was pretty easy so I sprinted the rest of the way to the end of our lane. I relaxed some more that day and then in the afternoon I went out to the shed and changed my oil and vacuumed out the car. Then we went to church when we got back home my grandparents were already there to celebrate my parents birthday. They were both born on the 10th my Dad is 7 hours older then my Mom. Most of the day I ate really well and I ate pretty well for during their birthday dinner but decided to have some cake and ice cream so Saturday was officially my free day. My brother, his wife, and I bought them a hammock, something my Mom has always talked about getting. I am going to have to loose another 40lbs or so to use it though weight limit is 264lbs according to the manual. I guess one more reason to loose some weight!
Day 49
I woke up this morning and packed to head back to Omaha for work at 10 am. I made it early and ate really well today, to make up for the cake on Saturday, oh and the cheese and crackers before dinner I forgot about those. It felt good to eat well today. After work I went to a buddies house to play poker I got second but blew most of my stack away to the guy who one it on one hand. Oh well, at least I got my money back. It was fun I haven't had the time to play as much as I would like, I used to play once a week. Well I thought about pulling an April Fools Joke today and posting that I had decided to quit that but April Fools day is almost over so it's a little too late to do that. I am really looking forward to week at this 4 weeks have gone by so fast it is unreal! I really think week 8 will be a very good week for me I am predicting 299lbs by Saturday!
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