Today went really well, I feel sooooo much better after yesterday's free day. It was way too free. Last night I had to really force my self to cook food for today. It is tough to do when your so full from tasty bad food :). Today's workout went pretty well I need to up my weights next time on my military press though I didn't really get the burn I need on them today. I need to start reigning my self in I keep speculating on next weeks weight and body rather then what I am doing today it isn't hurting me yet, but I really need to focus on each day and let everything fall into place. I understand that visualizing my final results can be motivating but I think I am getting to caught up in tomorrow.
These next two weekends will be a small challenge w/ in a challenge for me. I will be heading back home Thursday night for my parents birthday and the week after for Easter. The good thing is I will have access to the gym at my old high school. I am just going to have to make sure I bring home plenty of Myoplex and good food to stick with my eating. I am now in officially in baseball mode and will be going to the Creighton Missouri game tomorrow so that should be fun. Well I better get to bed so I can workout first thing in the morning.
Hey, sorry you lost the bb game. I can't believe it. I would challenge them to another game sometime if I were you and Jimmy -- it could have been luck...? You are doing so well with your body for life plan -- keep up the good work. I wrote you an email today so you could let me know what foods you want in the house for next week-end. I'll try and keep Dad out of them...
Way to go Craig -- you're looking good!
i have your book
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