Weight- 318lbs
I got up early today and went to the gym. I have lifted on off since I was a Sophomore in High School and I think I am just starting to learn how to get the most out of each rep. In high school and before BFL I would lift as much weight as i could never focusing on lowering the weight down. I would go up and then haphazardly let the weights drop back down. This week I have really focused on a slow smooth movement up and down and have already redefined what a 10 intensity is and expect to keep redefining it every week as I progress. For instance on Curls today I finished my last set, all 12 reps and during the last rep on the way up I felt like I was literally tearing my right bicep, maybe that's a bad thing, but the point is in the past I have never gotten to that point let alone completed the rep.
It is a good thing I accomplished something early in the day because the rest of the day was probably one of the if not the laziest days I have had in a long while. I went over to my buddies house around 11:30, along with my 5 meals, and watched the Mo- Valley Tournament. We watched 4 games today one of which pitted my Bluejays against the Sycamores of Indiana State. Luckily we beat them pretty handily and it gave our starters some time to rest up for our game tomorrow vs. Missouri State. Great way to end a great day... -I'm Out
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