Weight 330
Day one of the contest, and I am pretty excited. I listed my workout and meal plan so I don't have to type them out I think you should be able to just double click them and they will enlarge. I felt like all I did today was eat. every two hours or so. I can tell that it is already speeding up my metabolism an hour and a half after I ate each time I was hungry again. I tied to put some space in between my 4th and 5th meal. So when I worked out hopefully I was getting my energy off of stored fat rather then my last meal.
Tomorrow is going to be a challenge I am going to get up early and do my cardio in the morning before work. There is a Creighton game at 7pm so I am going to have to work my food schedule around that. I don't think Corn dogs and beer are apart of the plan. I didn't have time to get my fat percentage tested today but Jon did take my before pictures so I will post those. I plan on posting new pictures every two weeks or so for sure each month.

1. Finish all 12 weeks.
2. Eat well 6 times per day.
3. Train hard.
4. Get more rest.
5. Journal my successes as well as failures honestly
1. Gain 5 pounds of muscle mass
2. Loose 20lbs of fat.
The key of ensuring you body utilizes fat & carbohydrates (AKA glycogen... which is found in muscles) and not the precious calories from the food found in your stomach is …. TIMING. Timing is the key to success in training. It dictates when you sleep, when you eat, what you eat, when you workout and even how long you should workout.
I think you have a good idea about timing, because you’ve already allotted a time frame for when you’re going to schedule your cardio sessions… which is early in the morning.
Now as for the food part… everyone is different and there is no definitive time when to eat and when not to eat before working. What you eat and how much you eat can even affect the optimal time frame for you and subsequently have a positive or negative effect on your performance in the gym. So eventually you will notice enough patterns to dictate what you feel is optimal for you.
But there are some general rules and guidelines, which are:
For starters eat a meal about one to two hours before a workout. This time frame could easily fluctuate by a half hour according to what you eat and how well you stomach tolerates it.
Next, this meal should be a little low on total calories, because excess calories results in more precious time for you body to digest. Additionally, an engorged stomach requires more blood being sent to the stomach to aid and help in digestion, rather than help you move weights and your body for cardio.
Ideally this meal is around 200 – 300 calories and is about a 3:1 for carbohydrates: protein. You want a pre-workout meal to be at least 70% carbohydrates, for cardio sessions, since that will be your primary source of energy. Also, protein takes longer to digest in the body compared to carbohydrates. So ideally by the time you finish your workout your body will start using the proteins to rebuild and will abstract what is necessary from you post workout meal, that should be consumed as soon as possible after your workout (like 5 – 15 minutes). An easy way to accomplish your protein needs is to bring a small protein shake with you or have some dry protein powder ready to go (that way you can just add water).
In closing it’s not extremely important that you body dips into you stomach to access its energy needs. What matters most are calories in VS calories out. It’s that simple. As long as you end up with a deficit each day you will achieve you goals.
Let me know if you need anything else
You side kick ninja
Oh… by the way the omnimoshu clan burned my village down the other day, so if you can be of assistance tomorrow night around 10 PM that would be great. I’ve already sent messenger owes to the others, I don’t know why they can’t just get a computer like you…. Well now I’m rattling. See you tomorrow
Secret ninja brother
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